IntersectMBO / plutus

The Plutus language implementation and tools
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Spelling mistake? #6243

Closed perturbing closed 1 week ago

perturbing commented 1 week ago

did you mean

-- | Similar to TxOutRef, but for GovActions
data GovernanceActionId = GovernanceActionId
  { getTxId        :: V3.TxId
  , getGovActionIx :: Haskell.Integer
  deriving stock (Generic, Haskell.Show, Haskell.Eq, Haskell.Ord)
effectfully commented 1 week ago

No, gaid is a (weird) abbreviation of GovernanceActionId, it's pretty common in the Haskell world to prefix fields with an abbreviation of the type name due to the lack of type-based name resolution (workarounds exist, but we don't use them).

So I think this is as intended and I'm gonna close the issue as such. But thank you for double-checking!