It is possible to execute integration tests using deployments built via the EAP XP 5 feature pack, i.e. proper EAP XP 5 deployments, by enabling the profile.
When doing so, the build fails because the FP artifacts are not found, or are mixed up with community ones.
Testsuite integration tests that involve EAP XP 5 deployments must run without build errors, since Intersmash supports EAP XP 5 latest GA version.
Environment: testsuite deployments
Steps to reproduce: mvn clean install -DskipTests
It is possible to execute integration tests using deployments built via the EAP XP 5 feature pack, i.e. proper EAP XP 5 deployments, by enabling the
profile.When doing so, the build fails because the FP artifacts are not found, or are mixed up with community ones.
Testsuite integration tests that involve EAP XP 5 deployments must run without build errors, since Intersmash supports EAP XP 5 latest GA version.
mvn clean install -DskipTests