InterstellarJS / PlanetTech

PlanetTechJS is an open-source JavaScript library built using vanilla THREE.js, for creating and editing planets at scale
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Decentralized 'Minecraft' .. we might need you #13

Open rafalsk opened 6 months ago

rafalsk commented 6 months ago

Hey.. since I could not find any contact details...

We've been creating decentralized minecraft running atop of our very first decentralized operating system.

How cool is that?

we could extend this towards inter-planetary 'minecraft' sort of a game as well...

Would be wonderful to have you abord!

Let's get in touch?

Of course all incentives would be in place, we've got financing available.

My Telegram handle: @Rafal_GRIDNET

Regards, Rafal Skowronski CEO of GRIDNET Technologies LLC Mobile: +48 600 454 394 tel/fax: +48 (61) 665 2963 Department of Computer Science Poznan University of Technology Conference Center, Room 5

rafalsk commented 6 months ago

we would fund all your research and we've got nothing against all this being open source