Open hmssg opened 2 months ago
Since I can't read the language, it's hard for me to debug correctly here.
I will gladly accept pull requests that address this issue.
For example, I can't tell if the following code block produces correct output. For me it seems correct.
use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Intervention\Image\Typography\FontFactory;
$image = ImageManager::gd()
->create(400, 200)
$text = 'من
سبحان قادری
نسب هستم';
$image->text($text, 350, 150, function (FontFactory $font) {
سلام به همه دوستان فارسی زبان من با این کد تونستم فنی درستش کنم
$lines = explode("\n", wordwrap($text, 70));
foreach ($lines as $i => $line) {
$image->text(PersianRender::render($line), 540, 800 + ($i * 75), function (FontFactory $font){
Hello, I checked that in Farsi language, it reverses the text when warping
Its correct form should be as below
من سبحان قادری نسب هستم