Intility / fastapi-azure-auth

Easy and secure implementation of Azure Entra ID (previously AD) for your FastAPI APIs 🔒 B2C, single- and multi-tenant support.
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Calling your APIs from Python not working #156

Closed mehtatejas closed 9 months ago

mehtatejas commented 10 months ago

Hi, I followed all step present in following URL :

However, I am getting "AADSTS500011: The resource principal named api:// was not found in the tenant named XX. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You might have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant."

If I change following statement : 'scope': f"https://{settings['TENANT_NAME']}{settings['APP_CLIENT_ID']}/.default"

then I get token in azure_response. however while calling FastAPI, I get "Unable to verify token. No signing keys found".

Please guide me.

JonasKs commented 10 months ago

Please provide full code snippets and error messages. Also provide screenshot of how your backend API tokens have been exposed.
Also please provide which tenant type you're using. Single-, multi- or B2C-tenant?
I suspect you've gone off track from the tutorial, and then have alterations you need to do.
I suggest, when experiencing issues, that you follow the tutorial 100% and test if it works, and then slowly alter.

Prmurray commented 10 months ago

I ran into this problem today as well. Everything was working for me on Wednesday. Ill work on getting some better screenshots, but it looks like the clientID is not being added to the authorization URL image (I know the scope is spelled incorrectly, that's how the scope is spelled in my app though)

JonasKs commented 10 months ago

I'm really confused here - something worked on Wednesday no longer works today?

Can you please give me some errors or context here? I haven't changed anything in this library for a while.
Did Azure change something? 🤔

Prmurray commented 10 months ago


this error pops up (while running uvicorn) as soon as I add this section to the code: @app.on_event('startup') async def load_config() -> None: """ Load OpenID config on startup. """ await azure_scheme.openid_config.load_config()

when I take that section of code out, I am able to enter my authorization credentials, but when I submit them I'm met with this page:


It's not adding the app information, it's trying to load ""

Prmurray commented 10 months ago

Well I'm a fool. I misnamed my .env file. it was just env. and since I saw an issue left on the repo 3 hours before I ran into the problem, I just assumed my code was right and something changed in the repo. After renaming the file, everything worked correctly. sorry for wasting your time. It's an excellent tutorial and an awesome library, thanks for your work.

JonasKs commented 10 months ago

Glad you solved it. Thanks for the kind words 😊

mehtatejas commented 10 months ago

Please provide full code snippets and error messages. Also provide screenshot of how your backend API tokens have been exposed. Also please provide which tenant type you're using. Single-, multi- or B2C-tenant? I suspect you've gone off track from the tutorial, and then have alterations you need to do. I suggest, when experiencing issues, that you follow the tutorial 100% and test if it works, and then slowly alter.

I am using B2C tenant. I went through following URL: • • Documentation and tutorial were excellent. I created two applications:


I can authenticate FastAPI using Azure AD B2C.

I want to expose my FastAPI from other Python.

Hence I followed following URL : •

I created client secret in fastapi-az-b2c-api-OpenAPI application.

Please find by code below

  from httpx import AsyncClient
  from config import settings
  import asyncio

  async def fn():
      async with AsyncClient() as client:

        azure_response = await
                'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
                'client_id': settings.OPENAPI_CLIENT_ID,  # the ID of the app reg you created the secret for
                'client_secret': settings.CLIENT_SECRET,  # the secret you created
                'scope': f'api://{settings.APP_CLIENT_ID}/.default',  # note: NOT .user_impersonation

        # print(azure_response)
        # token = azure_response.json()['access_token']

        # print(token)
        # my_api_response = await client.get(
        #     'http://localhost:8000/',
        #     headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'},
        # )
        # print(my_api_response.json())

Now I am getting following error :


Please let me know, if I am missing anything.

JonasKs commented 10 months ago

Hmm.. @davidhuser , do you know if there's something specific for B2C? 🤔

davidhuser commented 10 months ago

I don't use it myself yet but thought it might be good to do a little digging. According to Set up OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow in Azure Active Directory B2C (which is in preview by the way), you need to alter your URL and the scope. Here is what I used to get a valid token and auth to the B2C protected FastAPI app:

import json
from typing import Union

from httpx import AsyncClient
import asyncio

# change to your own method:
settings = get_settings()

CLIENT_SECRET = 'xxx'  # the secret you created
API_URL = 'https://path-to-my-app/api'  # the URL of the FastAPI
ENDPOINT = 'myEndpoint'  # the endpoint you want to call

async def get_token(client: AsyncClient) -> Union[str, None]:
    url = f"https://{settings.TENANT_NAME}{settings.TENANT_NAME}{settings.AUTH_POLICY_NAME}/oauth2/v2.0/token"

    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}

    data = {
        "client_id": settings.APP_CLIENT_ID,
        "scope": f'https://{settings.TENANT_NAME}{settings.APP_CLIENT_ID}/.default',
        "client_secret": CLIENT_SECRET,
        "grant_type": "client_credentials",

    r = await, headers=headers, data=data)

    if r.status_code == 200:
        token = json.loads(r.text)["access_token"]
        return token
        print(f"Failed to get token, status code: {r.status_code}, message: {r.text}")
        return None

async def call_api(client: AsyncClient, token: str):
    r = await client.get(f"{API_URL}/{ENDPOINT}", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"})

    if r.status_code == 200:
        print(f"Failed to call API, status code: {r.status_code}, message: {r.text}")

async def main():
    async with AsyncClient() as client:
        token = await get_token(client)
        if token:
            print("Token:", token)
            await call_api(client, token)

Let us know if it works.

davidhuser commented 10 months ago

Note that this is still valid

in reality you should create a new app registration for every application talking to your backend.

mehtatejas commented 10 months ago

I don't use it myself yet but thought it might be good to do a little digging. According to Set up OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow in Azure Active Directory B2C (which is in preview by the way), you need to alter your URL and the scope. Here is what I used to get a valid token and auth to the B2C protected FastAPI app:

import json
from typing import Union

from httpx import AsyncClient
import asyncio

# change to your own method:
settings = get_settings()

CLIENT_SECRET = 'xxx'  # the secret you created
API_URL = 'https://path-to-my-app/api'  # the URL of the FastAPI
ENDPOINT = 'myEndpoint'  # the endpoint you want to call

async def get_token(client: AsyncClient) -> Union[str, None]:
    url = f"https://{settings.TENANT_NAME}{settings.TENANT_NAME}{settings.AUTH_POLICY_NAME}/oauth2/v2.0/token"

    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}

    data = {
        "client_id": settings.APP_CLIENT_ID,
        "scope": f'https://{settings.TENANT_NAME}{settings.APP_CLIENT_ID}/.default',
        "client_secret": CLIENT_SECRET,
        "grant_type": "client_credentials",

    r = await, headers=headers, data=data)

    if r.status_code == 200:
        token = json.loads(r.text)["access_token"]
        return token
        print(f"Failed to get token, status code: {r.status_code}, message: {r.text}")
        return None

async def call_api(client: AsyncClient, token: str):
    r = await client.get(f"{API_URL}/{ENDPOINT}", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"})

    if r.status_code == 200:
        print(f"Failed to call API, status code: {r.status_code}, message: {r.text}")

async def main():
    async with AsyncClient() as client:
        token = await get_token(client)
        if token:
            print("Token:", token)
            await call_api(client, token)

Let us know if it works.

I am now getting following error :

Failed to call API, status code: 401, message: {"detail":"Token contains invalid claims"}

davidhuser commented 10 months ago

Looks like you got a token but the library raised an JWTClaimsError when calling the endpoint.

any more info in your FastApi app logs?

JonasKs commented 10 months ago

Also please decode the token at and show the decoded version to us (You can redact the names etc of course)

Also, for the future, please add as much information to every post/question you can. Eventually those who help you stop asking questions, which ends up in you not getting help. Enable debug logs, show entire stack traces, explain your entire environment. Makes this so much easier for all of us 😊

mehtatejas commented 10 months ago

@davidhuser and @davidhuser. Please find response from and fastapi logs.


davidhuser commented 10 months ago

the root cause is not yet clear to me because we don't have the info of the error. Can you check if you can log fastapi_azure_auth DEBUG messages to your FastAPI logger?

Here's a starting point for debugging.

import logging
from fastapi import FastAPI

# Configure root logger

# Set logging level for library

# Ensure logs are propagated
logging.getLogger('fastapi_azure_auth').propagate = True

app = FastAPI()

def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}

edit: changed to DEBUG

JonasKs commented 10 months ago

We should probably add a troubleshooting section (like I have for my Django package)in the docs and make an issue template.

Thanks for all your contributions, help and reviews @davidhuser.😊

mehtatejas commented 10 months ago

@davidhuser : Please find below debug log:


I agree, troubleshooting section will be very helpful. Specially, Azure AD B2C.

Thanks @davidhuser and @JonasKs for help.

davidhuser commented 10 months ago

thanks for showing us the debug logs. as per logs, nbf is a timestamp for "not before", see so it seems your local computer is out of sync with Azure. Can you check your machine's time clock? e.g. others had issues with WSL clock

JonasKs commented 10 months ago


We can also add a leeway-setting, it's been hard coded to 0 atm.

Someone had a similar issue last month.

mehtatejas commented 10 months ago

I did following changes:

data = { "client_id": settings['OPENAPI_CLIENT_ID'], "scope": f"https://{settings['TENANT_NAME']}{settings['APP_CLIENT_ID']}/.default", "client_secret": settings['CLIENT_SECRET'], "grant_type": "client_credentials", }

It worked.

@davidhuser & @JonasKs : Thank you very much for support.

JonasKs commented 10 months ago

Glad you solved it.

I've added a new issue for allowing the settings to be set. PRs welcome.

davidhuser commented 10 months ago

ah got it, great that it works now. I see the docs use OPENAPI_CLIENT_ID as the secret was created for that app reg.

Will add two doc PRs for "Calling the APIs with Python" and a "troubleshooting" page.