Intracto / stylelint-config-intracto

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Default Intracto ruleset #1

Open timdujardin opened 4 years ago

timdujardin commented 4 years ago

Disable no-descending-specificity rule: I would request to disable this rule, since it reduces readability.

ioulian commented 4 years ago

disable color-named, always use colors as hex notation or rgba, hsl...

timdujardin commented 4 years ago

Enable font-weight-notation: 'numeric'? I would recommend using the numbers instead of the labels/names.

ioulian commented 4 years ago

comment-empty-line-before to "always" except: "first-nested"

ioulian commented 4 years ago

comment-whitespace-inside to always

ioulian commented 4 years ago

function-url-quotes to always

timdujardin commented 4 years ago

Enable no-unknown-animations? This to ensure that animations are setup correctly.

ioulian commented 4 years ago


timdujardin commented 4 years ago

Add unit-blacklist: ['px']? To prevent using px values instead of em or rem.

We could make some exceptions though, for borders of 1px for example.

timdujardin commented 4 years ago

Add selector-pseudo-element-colon-notation: 'double': To prevent using f.e. &:before instead of &::before.

timdujardin commented 4 years ago

Add shorthand-property-no-redundant-values: true: To prevent using margin: 1rem 1rem 1rem 1rem instead of margin: 1rem.

ioulian commented 4 years ago

Ok, added:

To discuss:

Still to implement: