InvasionBiologyHypotheses / Documentation

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Look into ontologies for hypotheses #12

Open Daniel-Mietchen opened 2 years ago

Daniel-Mietchen commented 2 years ago

e.g. as per (DISK) and (HyQue)

The latter had a web app but that seems to be defunct:

Daniel-Mietchen commented 2 years ago

Here is an example of DISK usage from the CrowdAlytics project, provided by @criscod:

@prefix rdf: <> . 
@prefix disk: <> . 
@prefix xsd: <> . 
@prefix crowdalytics: <> . 

            rdf:type disk:TriggeredLineOfInquiry; 
            disk:hasHypothesis crowdalytics:H1; 
            disk:hasLineOfInquiry crowdalytics:LOI1 . 

            rdf:type disk:Hypothesis; 
            disk:dateCreated "date1"^^xsd:date; 
            disk:hasUsageNotes "userNotes1"^^xsd:string; 
            disk:hasAuthor crowdalytics:P1 . 

            rdf:type disk:Person; 
            disk:hasName "John Smith"^^xsd:string; 
            disk:hasEmail ""^^xsd:string . 

            rdf:type disk:LineOfInquiry; 
            disk:hasHypothesisQuery "Frequent red meat ingestion is related to heart disease."^^xsd:string; 
            disk:hasQuestion crowdalytics:Q1 . 

            rdf:type disk:Question; 
            disk:hasQuestionTemplate "?i is related to ?d"^^xsd:string; 
            disk:hasQuestionVariable crowdalytics:QV1 ;
disk:hasQuestionVariable crowdalytics:QV2.

            rdf:type disk:QuestionVariable; 
            disk:hasVariableName “?i"^^xsd:string . 

            rdf:type disk:QuestionVariable; 
            disk:hasVariableName “?d"^^xsd:string . 
Daniel-Mietchen commented 2 years ago

Here are a few more pointers to ontologies that have hypothesis-related elements:

Daniel-Mietchen commented 2 years ago

There is also the Argument Model Ontology.