Do you have an error log? Use If you're not sure, upload your whole server log
23.03 23:20:43 [Server] ERROR Error occurred while enabling Murder v3.2.0-SNAPSHOT (Is it up to date?)
23.03 23:20:43 [Server] INFO API class 'org.inventivetalent.bossbar.BossBarAPI' is not yet initialized. Creating new instance
Did your client crash? Upload errors in .minecraft/logs/latest.log as well
Additional information? (Are you using Bungeecord? Did it work in previous versions? etc.)
i use bungeecord, but that eror are present also on stand alone server whitout any other plugin if not required form murder 3.2.0
i see in the project zip that, seems the bossbarapi are been replace... so why in the jar last there it's?
What steps will reproduce the problem?
What were you expecting to happen?
plugin istallation, build murder 3.2.0, run commands in game.
What happened instead?
Can't complete the plugin installation. can't run commands in game. can't install it.
What version of the plugin are you using? Type /version <Plugin Name>
What Spigot version are you using? Type /version
What plugins are you using? Type /plugins
WorldEdit WorldEdit
Do you have an error log? Use If you're not sure, upload your whole server log
23.03 23:20:43 [Server] ERROR Error occurred while enabling Murder v3.2.0-SNAPSHOT (Is it up to date?) 23.03 23:20:43 [Server] INFO API class 'org.inventivetalent.bossbar.BossBarAPI' is not yet initialized. Creating new instance
Did your client crash? Upload errors in .minecraft/logs/latest.log as well
Additional information? (Are you using Bungeecord? Did it work in previous versions? etc.)
i use bungeecord, but that eror are present also on stand alone server whitout any other plugin if not required form murder 3.2.0
i see in the project zip that, seems the bossbarapi are been replace... so why in the jar last there it's?