InventoCasa / ha-advanced-blueprints

Advanced Blueprints combined with pyscript for extra useful automations
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Feature Request: Fast_OFF config option #33

Open ItsMe00007 opened 1 year ago

ItsMe00007 commented 1 year ago

Hi, i am using the Blueprint to control the 3 phases of my water heater with the excess solar. Each phase got 2KW. I am using 3 Shelly 1PM to switch the 3 phases via your blueprint on/off and measure the consumption. Once the thermostat in the water heater decides that it is hot enough it turns the consumption completely off. The blueprint recognises that via the Power sensors and use the now free excess Solar for other appliances.

That is working fine so far but if current solar power goes down to e.g. 100W because of a cloud or in the evening and the thermostat decides it is time to heat up again and because all 3 phases are still switched on from the Blueprint it draws nearly 6KW from the Grid. After 1 minute the blueprint turns the first phase off, still 4KW drawn from Grid, then after another minute the second phase is turned of, still 2KW are drawn from the grid and after another minute the last phase turns off. So there is quite some energy pulled from the grid because of this delayed switching off. That happens a few times during the day depending on the water usage that the thermostat in the heater decides to switch all 3 phases back on at once.

It would be nice to have an additional "Fast_OFF" Option which I can configure for these high power appliances, so these get immediately switched off if there is not enough excess Solar Power left for them and the Blueprint detects that from the power measurement. And later start the well working powering on timer/check to see if it should be turned on again in a controlled manner.

Just the Quick Power Off Option is missing und would be very helpful if implemented to conserve the expensive grid.

thorbeenwiedemann commented 1 year ago

i second that!

ItsMe00007 commented 1 year ago

To test it i created 3 Automations which checks if Total Power is 5s positive and turns phase C ( lowest priority) off and after 10s phase b and if still consuming from grid then after 15s phase a (highest priority).

First i turned all 3 phases off immediately, but this caused a lot of „off time“ during a day with clouds where every few minutes the PV power changed. Also the PV power during the cloud phases was mostly still sufficient for 1 phase.

Now i have just short spikes above 0 ( Grid consumtion) and mostly below 0 (Grid return). So it might be helpfull to include a configureable FastOFF delay time if you consider implementing the FastOFF idea. Remark: i use a shelly 3EM to measure grid consumption/return. It delivers about every 1-3s the actual „total power) value ( see below). Therefore i choose 5s delay for turning the phases off to see if it was allready enough.


ItsMe00007 commented 1 year ago

For my understanding: what is „Adjusted export history“ used for and how is that calculated from the „export history“ ? It seems to be quite different:
