InverNessian / SafeguardsOfLeyto

For development of my game by the same name.
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Item Loading #23

Closed InverNessian closed 4 years ago

InverNessian commented 4 years ago

The game must be able to read information from csv files in order to create Item objects. It will be useful to have a dedicated class called ImportController to handle this need.

To-Do: Create standardized item sheets. They must all have columns for each stat they modify as well as a string[] for effects. Create method "public static Item GetItemInfo(string iname)". Create method "public static Weapon GetWeaponInfo(string wname)". For cases where specifically weapons are needed.

InverNessian commented 4 years ago

I have implemented the GetItemInfo and GetWeaponInfo methods. I also created a method to batch create assets for all weapons in the list. Useful for testing purposes.

Item sheets are now also standardized.