InverNessian / SafeguardsOfLeyto

For development of my game by the same name.
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Action & Turn System #5

Closed InverNessian closed 4 years ago

InverNessian commented 5 years ago

Currently it's all hard-coded, but the goal is for everything to be dynamic and generate icons and such. This will involve some GUI work since we want icons to appear above units' heads. It'll probably also rely on an Event system being worked out.

InverNessian commented 5 years ago

This should also include the Turn system for players to move all units and then pass to other players.

InverNessian commented 5 years ago

I'm working on getting this more implemented. Now that I have the ability to create UI over a unit's head, I need to refine how and when I'm calling the Events for actions.

InverNessian commented 5 years ago

The implementation of my FSM has improved this dramatically. Now I have a very close approximation for how I want things to be activated.

InverNessian commented 5 years ago

Just for my memory, the InputController will have a switch method that accepts a string. This way units can pass in their action list to MenuController, which will show the appropriate buttons, and then the clicked button can call InputController passing the appropriate string. InputController will call the appropriate action function based on that string.

InverNessian commented 5 years ago

I need to improve action targeting. IE attack and move ranges, multiple clicks for movement pathing, etc. This can be done later, though.