Invertee / CoinbasePro-Powershell

Powershell module for the CoinbasePro API.
MIT License
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Bad Request. Invalid request format #16

Open SentrySkills opened 3 years ago

SentrySkills commented 3 years ago

Hello, Thank you for making this. I'm using 0.8.1, buying and selling return. Thanks for the help!

New-CoinbaseProMarketOrder -ProductID LINK-USD -Side buy -Funds 5 New-CoinbaseProMarketOrder -Side sell -ProductID ETH-USD -Size 0.00368652

`Invoke-CoinbaseProRequest : Bad Request. Invalid request format At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\CoinbasePro-Powershell\0.8.1\Functions\Private\New-CoinbaseProMarketOrder.ps1:52 char:17 $response = Invoke-CoinbaseProRequest $api

     CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
     FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Invoke-CoinbaseProRequest`