Invertee / CoinbasePro-Powershell

Powershell module for the CoinbasePro API.
MIT License
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Seeking -Examples #5

Open jasonpearce opened 5 years ago

jasonpearce commented 5 years ago

Could use some help files with examples of what would work. Something like:

Get-Help Get-CoinbaseProductTicker -Examples

Example 1: Get the ticker price of a single trading pair

PS C:>Get-CoinbaseProductTicker -ProductID BTC-USD

jasonpearce commented 5 years ago

If it is okay with you, I'd like to contribute by creating some Get-Help content for you to consider. I'll start with -Examples as I think of them. You are welcome to use or not use. I'll work on a few a week and post here.

Suggested content for "Get-Help Get-CoinbaseAccounts -Examples".

Get-Help Get-CoinbaseAccounts -Examples


    Get a list of your Coinbase accounts. Requires view or trade API permission.

Example 1: Get a table of all of your Cloinbase accounts. API values in this example are fictitious. Generate and use your own API settings at

    PS C:\> Get-CoinbaseAccounts -APIKey "eszc7n7p7qeca9uye6cntpgrx7ph2zd3" -APISecret "m3j=xupg7++4s8n37fa+36n2kubx4d9+73sz=na++kdjw=u3w+rybpx62st+sxqwwyxy9hz9juu8/ccfu4fjhw6c" -APIPhrase "nuczu6gsh32" | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table -AutoSize

    id                                   name        balance     currency type   primary active hold_balance hold_currency
    --                                   ----        -------     -------- ----   ------- ------ ------------ -------------
    1711fd78-4164-4e2c-e77e-d6321260b78f BAT Wallet  0.74936928  BAT      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    3f6516ce-38ae-684f-6c95-4c67b8d09292 BCH Wallet  0.00000000  BCH      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    4ecfb945-db25-7bc7-8b52-795c07e17862 BTC Wallet  0.08580545  BTC      wallet    True   True 0.00         USD
    25f0abaa-1e65-6517-27fd-82b1a6a97a92 CVC Wallet  0.00000000  CVC      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    0ca8b171-caca-516e-3167-605c9268030b DAI Wallet  0.00000000  DAI      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    68986bbb-cec1-596c-05b1-6408f00f4939 DNT Wallet  0.00000000  DNT      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    a4e5b8d9-e972-1c92-9dd0-5a2da5f8c155 EOS Wallet  0.0000      EOS      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    e9c263b4-2f47-6456-fd6d-3a666d33628b ETC Wallet  0.00000000  ETC      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    edf928f7-52b8-0f91-4638-3efd26994f0e ETH Wallet  0.62062401  ETH      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    cad09b14-371f-cb11-d3a1-8e58a11c2455 GNT Wallet  0.00000000  GNT      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    9085adce-19cd-207f-261d-58384dac3873 LINK Wallet 0.00000000  LINK     wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    e223eccb-8352-1469-2e1e-89c39ba768c7 LOOM Wallet 0.00000000  LOOM     wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    ad7ac687-b4a3-f888-3e77-36adf3664e00 LTC Wallet  0.03034297  LTC      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    01ed7525-a85a-d9a4-674c-9b4c928e12fb MANA Wallet 0.00000000  MANA     wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    718c2ef1-6b4a-f3cf-21ac-c7fa9922a5dd REP Wallet  0.00000000  REP      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    992029b0-9053-5b04-172e-4928abea2f01 USD Wallet  0.00        USD      fiat     False   True 0.00         USD
    1387278e-2a42-da05-f284-2bdf6c7babfa USDC Wallet 0.000000    USDC     wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    6a699974-e601-f9f2-cd4c-970d58b167e6 XLM Wallet  0.3391680   XLM      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    61bb5a78-6d32-d077-70a3-4d1f1e7bc369 XRP Wallet  0.000000    XRP      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    5869fc6d-0d8d-72fd-2de6-ec61419075c7 ZEC Wallet  0.53196774  ZEC      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    d4e7102d-67a6-b17b-df51-1a2c5758de46 ZRX Wallet  0.30655678  ZRX      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD

Example 2: Get a table of your Cloinbase accounts that have a non-zero balance. API values in this example are fictitious. Generate and use your own API settings at

    PS C:\> Get-CoinbaseAccounts -APIKey "eszc7n7p7qeca9uye6cntpgrx7ph2zd3" -APISecret "m3j=xupg7++4s8n37fa+36n2kubx4d9+73sz=na++kdjw=u3w+rybpx62st+sxqwwyxy9hz9juu8/ccfu4fjhw6c" -APIPhrase "nuczu6gsh32" | Where-Object {$_.balance -notlike "0.00*"} | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table -AutoSize

    id                                   name        balance     currency type   primary active hold_balance hold_currency
    --                                   ----        -------     -------- ----   ------- ------ ------------ -------------
    1711fd78-4164-4e2c-e77e-d6321260b78f BAT Wallet  0.74936928  BAT      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    4ecfb945-db25-7bc7-8b52-795c07e17862 BTC Wallet  0.08580545  BTC      wallet    True   True 0.00         USD
    edf928f7-52b8-0f91-4638-3efd26994f0e ETH Wallet  0.62062401  ETH      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    ad7ac687-b4a3-f888-3e77-36adf3664e00 LTC Wallet  0.03034297  LTC      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    6a699974-e601-f9f2-cd4c-970d58b167e6 XLM Wallet  0.3391680   XLM      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    5869fc6d-0d8d-72fd-2de6-ec61419075c7 ZEC Wallet  0.53196774  ZEC      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
    d4e7102d-67a6-b17b-df51-1a2c5758de46 ZRX Wallet  0.30655678  ZRX      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD

Please note that the APIKey, APISecret, APIPhrase, ID, and Balance used above are randomized and fictitious. I used something like this to create those values:

# Generate random string of characters at a specific length
function Get-RandomCharacters($length, $characters) {
    $random = 1..$length | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -Maximum $characters.length }
    return [String]$characters[$random]

# Generate a random Coinbase-looking ID
$password = Get-RandomCharacters -length 8 -characters 'abcdef0123456789'
$password += "-"
$password += Get-RandomCharacters -length 4 -characters 'abcdef0123456789'
$password += "-"
$password += Get-RandomCharacters -length 4 -characters 'abcdef0123456789'
$password += "-"
$password += Get-RandomCharacters -length 4 -characters 'abcdef0123456789'
$password += "-"
$password += Get-RandomCharacters -length 12 -characters 'abcdef0123456789'

# Copy ID to clipboard
$password | clip
Invertee commented 5 years ago

Yeah that would be amazing thank you, any contribution welcome! If you want you can create a pull request and I can merge the examples straight into the functions.

jasonpearce commented 5 years ago

New to Git, I attempted to submit a pull request to you. If you didn't get it, I'll try again. Thank you for your tips if I messed something up. It is also my first time trying to create Help content for a Function, so I welcome advice in that area too.

This is the content I attempted to create and Pull:

function Get-CoinbaseAccounts { 



Gets a list of your Coinbase accounts.


Gets a list of your Coinbase accounts; including cryptocurrency wallets, fiat currency accounts, and vaults.
API permission must be either View or Trade.

Your Coinbase API Key. 
Looks like "eszc7n7p7qeca9uye6cntpgrx7ph2zd3".

Your Coinbase API Secret. 
Looks like "m3j=xupg7++4s8n37fa+36n2kubx4d9+73sz=na++kdjw=u3w+rybpx62st+sxqwwyxy9hz9juu8/ccfu4fjhw6c".

Your Coinbase API Phrase. 
Looks like "nuczu6gsh32".


PS> Get-CoinbaseAccounts -APIKey "eszc7n7p7qeca9uye6cntpgrx7ph2zd3" -APISecret "m3j=xupg7++4s8n37fa+36n2kubx4d9+73sz=na++kdjw=u3w+rybpx62st+sxqwwyxy9hz9juu8/ccfu4fjhw6c" -APIPhrase "nuczu6gsh32"

id            : 4ecfb945-db25-7bc7-8b52-795c07e17862
name          : BTC Wallet
balance       : 0.01543210
currency      : BTC
type          : wallet
primary       : True
active        : True
hold_balance  : 0.00
hold_currency : USD

id            : edf928f7-52b8-0f91-4638-3efd26994f0e
name          : ETH Wallet
balance       : 0.15432100
currency      : ETH
type          : wallet
primary       : False
active        : True
hold_balance  : 0.00
hold_currency : USD

id            : ad7ac687-b4a3-f888-3e77-36adf3664e00
name          : LTC Wallet
balance       : 1.54321000
currency      : LTC
type          : wallet
primary       : False
active        : True
hold_balance  : 0.00
hold_currency : USD

id                        : 992029b0-9053-5b04-172e-4928abea2f01
name                      : USD Wallet
balance                   : 50.00
currency                  : USD
type                      : fiat
primary                   : False
active                    : True
wire_deposit_information  : @{account_number=7821507869; routing_number=047928793; 
                            bank_name=Metropolitan Commercial Bank; 
                            bank_address=99 Park Ave 4th Fl New York, NY 10016; 
                            bank_country=; account_name=Coinbase Inc;
                            account_address=548 Market Street, #23008, San Francisco, CA 94104; 
swift_deposit_information :
hold_balance              : 0.00
hold_currency             : USD


PS> Get-CoinbaseAccounts -APIKey "eszc7n7p7qeca9uye6cntpgrx7ph2zd3" -APISecret "m3j=xupg7++4s8n37fa+36n2kubx4d9+73sz=na++kdjw=u3w+rybpx62st+sxqwwyxy9hz9juu8/ccfu4fjhw6c" -APIPhrase "nuczu6gsh32" | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table -AutoSize

id                                   name        balance     currency type   primary active hold_balance hold_currency
--                                   ----        -------     -------- ----   ------- ------ ------------ -------------
1711fd78-4164-4e2c-e77e-d6321260b78f BAT Wallet  0.00000000  BAT      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
3f6516ce-38ae-684f-6c95-4c67b8d09292 BCH Wallet  0.00000000  BCH      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
4ecfb945-db25-7bc7-8b52-795c07e17862 BTC Wallet  0.01543210  BTC      wallet    True   True 0.00         USD
25f0abaa-1e65-6517-27fd-82b1a6a97a92 CVC Wallet  0.00000000  CVC      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
0ca8b171-caca-516e-3167-605c9268030b DAI Wallet  0.00000000  DAI      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
68986bbb-cec1-596c-05b1-6408f00f4939 DNT Wallet  0.00000000  DNT      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
a4e5b8d9-e972-1c92-9dd0-5a2da5f8c155 EOS Wallet  0.0000      EOS      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
e9c263b4-2f47-6456-fd6d-3a666d33628b ETC Wallet  0.00000000  ETC      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
edf928f7-52b8-0f91-4638-3efd26994f0e ETH Wallet  0.15432100  ETH      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
cad09b14-371f-cb11-d3a1-8e58a11c2455 GNT Wallet  0.00000000  GNT      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
9085adce-19cd-207f-261d-58384dac3873 LINK Wallet 0.00000000  LINK     wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
e223eccb-8352-1469-2e1e-89c39ba768c7 LOOM Wallet 0.00000000  LOOM     wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
ad7ac687-b4a3-f888-3e77-36adf3664e00 LTC Wallet  1.54321000  LTC      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
01ed7525-a85a-d9a4-674c-9b4c928e12fb MANA Wallet 0.00000000  MANA     wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
718c2ef1-6b4a-f3cf-21ac-c7fa9922a5dd REP Wallet  0.00000000  REP      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
992029b0-9053-5b04-172e-4928abea2f01 USD Wallet  50.00       USD      fiat     False   True 0.00         USD
1387278e-2a42-da05-f284-2bdf6c7babfa USDC Wallet 0.000000    USDC     wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
6a699974-e601-f9f2-cd4c-970d58b167e6 XLM Wallet  0.0000000   XLM      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
61bb5a78-6d32-d077-70a3-4d1f1e7bc369 XRP Wallet  0.000000    XRP      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
5869fc6d-0d8d-72fd-2de6-ec61419075c7 ZEC Wallet  0.00000000  ZEC      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
d4e7102d-67a6-b17b-df51-1a2c5758de46 ZRX Wallet  0.00000000  ZRX      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD


PS C:\> Get-CoinbaseAccounts -APIKey "eszc7n7p7qeca9uye6cntpgrx7ph2zd3" -APISecret "m3j=xupg7++4s8n37fa+36n2kubx4d9+73sz=na++kdjw=u3w+rybpx62st+sxqwwyxy9hz9juu8/ccfu4fjhw6c" -APIPhrase "nuczu6gsh32" | Where-Object {$_.balance -notlike "0.000*"} | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table -AutoSize

id                                   name        balance     currency type   primary active hold_balance hold_currency
--                                   ----        -------     -------- ----   ------- ------ ------------ -------------
4ecfb945-db25-7bc7-8b52-795c07e17862 BTC Wallet  0.01543210  BTC      wallet    True   True 0.00         USD
edf928f7-52b8-0f91-4638-3efd26994f0e ETH Wallet  0.15432100  ETH      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
ad7ac687-b4a3-f888-3e77-36adf3664e00 LTC Wallet  1.54321000  LTC      wallet   False   True 0.00         USD
992029b0-9053-5b04-172e-4928abea2f01 USD Wallet  50.00       USD      fiat     False   True 0.00         USD





    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $APIKey,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $APISecret,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $APIPhrase,
    [parameter()] [switch] $SandboxAPI

    $api = Get-BlankAPI -SandboxAPI:$SandboxAPI
    $api.key = "$APIKey"
    $api.secret = "$APISecret"
    $api.passphrase = "$APIPhrase"

    $api.method = 'GET'
    $api.url = '/coinbase-accounts'
    $response = Invoke-CoinbaseProRequest $api
    Write-Output $response
