Invertee / CoinbasePro-Powershell

Powershell module for the CoinbasePro API.
MIT License
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Get-CoinbaseProAccount (plural or not plural?) #6

Closed jasonpearce closed 4 years ago

jasonpearce commented 4 years ago

On this page,, the cmdlet is singular: Get-CoinbaseProAccount. But in the module, it's plural: Get-CoinbaseProAccounts. To be consistent, however, perhaps Get-CoinbaseAccount and Get-CoinbaseProAccounts should both be singular (or both plural). I'm still learning what they do. At least the documentation on GitHub and the cmdlet are not consistent and I thought you'd like to know. Thank you.

Valid CmdLets

Get-Help Get-Coinbase* | Sort Name | Select Name


Get-CoinbaseAccount Get-CoinbaseAccountHistory Get-CoinbaseAccountHolds Get-CoinbaseAccounts Get-CoinbaseCurrencies Get-CoinbaseFills Get-CoinbaseOrder Get-CoinbaseOrders Get-CoinbaseProAccountHistory Get-CoinbaseProAccounts Get-CoinbaseProCurrencies Get-CoinbaseProductOrderBook Get-CoinbaseProducts Get-CoinbaseProductStats Get-CoinbaseProductTicker Get-CoinbaseProductTrades Get-CoinbaseProFees Get-CoinbaseProFills Get-CoinbaseProOrder Get-CoinbaseProOrders Get-CoinbaseProPaymentMethods Get-CoinbaseProProductOrderBook Get-CoinbaseProProducts Get-CoinbaseProProductStats Get-CoinbaseProProductTicker Get-CoinbaseProProductTrades Get-CoinbaseProTime Get-CoinbaseTime

Invertee commented 4 years ago

It looks like you've got an outdated version of the module installed at the same time, Get-Help *Coinbase* | Sort Name | Select Name should return this list of functions:

Both Get-CoinbaseAccounts and Get-CoinbaseProAccounts both all available accounts but Get-CoinbaseProAccounts has an additional parameter so you can specify the account id and only return that one. I've fixed the readme to clarify.

I need to do a readme in each function so it's available in get-help, but there is already an issue for that!