Invertus / elasticsearch

Elasticsearch® module for PrestaShop that makes search and filter significantly faster.
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FindChildCategories not finding sub categories of the current one #5

Open icedocemile opened 7 years ago

icedocemile commented 7 years ago


In function CategoryRepository#findChildCategoriesNamesAndIds, to find nested categories the SQL query include that condition : AND c.id_parent> '.(int)$category->id.'

Which is wrong, because a subcategory dosn't significate the category ID is greater. I strongly suggest you use the native function : Category::getNestedCategories

This will returns the right ones.

rokaszygmantas commented 7 years ago

Hello @icedocemile, thank you for feedback. As we are not working on Brad project so frequently, please don't hesitate to make a pull request with a fix proposal - it would be greatly appreciated! Have a nice day.