InvexGames / MaterialUI

MaterialUI is a UI kit for Unity that follows Google's official material design guidelines.
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Closed Dialogs / Nav Drawers Render Off Screen #47

Open oleyb opened 9 years ago

oleyb commented 9 years ago

Closed dialogs and nav drawers continue to render after they have been closed and moved off-screen. Can these objects be deactivate or not rendered when they are closed so that they don't eat up precious draw calls on mobile?

InvexGames commented 9 years ago

Hi! Thanks for bringing this issue to my attention :)

I'm now working on MaterialUI in a private repo, adding features and the likes for an official release on the Asset Store - this means that I won't be adding/fixing anything more in this repo (sorry). Feel free to fork this one if you'd like to tackle to issue yourself, and/or send me an email at if you want me to let you know when it's available.

Cheers, Declan.

oleyb commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the heads up Declan. Does this mean this project has become a closed-source paid asset?

If so, that's sad for us, but you deserve it. Thanks for offering up the current source for free! I hope this repo will stay online.

InvexGames commented 9 years ago

It does mean it'll become a paid asset - It will be nice to see if I can make a bit of money for my time whilst I'm still at uni, and this project seems like it has enough enthusiasm behind it :) Thanks!