Invictum / serenity-reportportal-integration

Serenity TAF integration with Report Portal
Apache License 2.0
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Not all of tests are shown in reportportal after upgrade to latest serenity-reportportal-integration #133

Closed marek2209 closed 11 months ago

marek2209 commented 3 years ago

We trying to run tests via mvn task on azure devops and on new version of plugin but only part of tests is getting triggered. Instead of 22 as always only half of it is getting triggered. Probably something is wrong with -Dtags parameter. Our mvn task looks like:

task: Maven@3 inputs: mavenPomFile: 'pom.xml' mavenOptions: '-Xmx3072m' javaHomeOption: 'JDKVersion' jdkVersionOption: '1.11' jdkArchitectureOption: 'x64' publishJUnitResults: true testResultsFiles: '*/surefire-reports/TEST-.xml' goals: 'clean verify -Dwebdriver.remote.url=http://ip_of_grid:80/wd/hub -Dwebdriver.remote.driver=chrome -Denvironment=someEnv -Dchannel=someData -Dtags=b2b,sanity -Drp.launch="someLaunchNAme"'

we also tried with options: -Dcucumber.options="--tags @b2b --tags @P1"

-Dcucumber.filter.tags="@b2b and @P1"

Everything worked as expected on 1.4.3 version and even locally. Only maven on azure devops agent provides such errors.....

Invictum commented 3 years ago


Integration itself doesn’t alter native Serenity’s mechanism for tests execution based on tag filter. Do you get the same results without integration? If so it is better to ask in serenity github at

On Feb 16, 2021, at 09:21, marek2209 wrote:

 We trying to run tests via mvn task on azure devops and on new version of plugin only part of tests is getting triggered. Out mvn tasks looks like:

task: Maven@3 inputs: mavenPomFile: 'pom.xml' mavenOptions: '-Xmx3072m' javaHomeOption: 'JDKVersion' jdkVersionOption: '1.11' jdkArchitectureOption: 'x64' publishJUnitResults: true testResultsFiles: '*/surefire-reports/TEST-.xml' goals: 'clean verify -Dwebdriver.remote.url=http://ip_of_grid:80/wd/hub -Dwebdriver.remote.driver=chrome -Denvironment=someEnv -Dchannel=someData -Dtags=b2b,sanity -Drp.launch="someLaunchNAme"'

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marek2209 commented 3 years ago

without integration and with old 1.4.3 version I get different results - proper number of tests are executed

Invictum commented 3 years ago


Integration version 1.4.3 and 1.5.5 uses different Serenity cores. May I ask you to check how tags based execution works without integration in dependencies for two different Serenity versions: 2.1.8 and 2.3.4?

grey-rain commented 11 months ago

Closed due to inactivity. More likely, Serenity core issue.