InvisibleManVPN / InvisibleMan-XRayClient

A client for xray core
MIT License
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URL Scheme support #78

Open iambabyninja opened 9 months ago

iambabyninja commented 9 months ago

Hello! If we're talking about adding a subscription link, which is very important for a modern client, I kindly request you to consider the possibility of adding so-called URL schemes to your application. They will enhance the user experience and make interaction easier. For example, many applications on all platforms support this feature: CLASH: clashx://install-config?url=URL ShadowRocket: sub://URL You can find all the examples here:

We need this in order to allow users to add a subscription to the application with just one click from the subscription page. image If you add this feature, along with support for sub pages, your application will become the ultimate solution for Windows users.


InvisibleManVPN commented 9 months ago

Hi @Iambabyninja and thank you for your suggestion! That's a cool idea. We'll work on it and give you the feedback.