Open ixt opened 2 years ago
Build also takes a while, 20min~ currently with 61k~ companies May roll this out into a milestone and attach tickets to it
Template Metrics:
cumulative average maximum
duration duration duration count template
---------- -------- -------- ----- --------
2h32m40.719219345s 149.479786ms 4.422877594s 61284 _default/single.html
2h29m56.654756681s 172.016878ms 774.476185ms 52301 shortcodes/wikidata.html
2m26.365946101s 33.002468ms 382.353172ms 4435 shortcodes/mbfc.html
8.348924513s 136.233µs 9.102766ms 61284 _default/single.json.json
7.541875447s 123.064µs 9.091853ms 61284 _default/item.json.json
2.330389807s 917.837µs 25.47144ms 2539 shortcodes/goodonyou.html
2.238033159s 594.115µs 29.748518ms 3767 shortcodes/bcorp.html
875.964247ms 875.964247ms 875.964247ms 1 index.html
776.248116ms 776.248116ms 776.248116ms 1 _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
89.214056ms 89.214056ms 89.214056ms 1 list.json
2.201241ms 1.217µs 52.019µs 1808 shortcodes/glassdoor.html
573.665µs 286.832µs 300.336µs 2 _internal/_default/rss.xml
353.222µs 176.611µs 247.432µs 2 _default/list.html
119.038µs 119.038µs 119.038µs 1 404.html
102.842µs 34.28µs 99.143µs 3 partials/header.html
85.133µs 28.377µs 81.964µs 3 partials/footer.html
Template Metrics:
cumulative average maximum cache percent cached total
duration duration duration potential cached count count template
---------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------ ----- --------
36m46.288933814s 35.999297ms 2.182343548s 0 0 0 61287 _default/single.html
35m27.420130624s 40.671805ms 1.670070498s 0 0 0 52307 shortcodes/wikidata.html
38.549340986s 482.318µs 74.961531ms 0 0 0 79925 shortcodes/wikipedia.html
29.320595732s 30.638031ms 777.566366ms 0 0 0 957 shortcodes/mbfc.html
10.124629668s 165.2µs 19.219611ms 0 0 0 61287 _default/single.json.json
9.038566545s 147.479µs 19.207043ms 0 0 0 61287 _default/item.json.json
967.049743ms 967.049743ms 967.049743ms 0 0 0 1 index.html
808.137155ms 808.137155ms 808.137155ms 0 0 0 1 list.json
710.587553ms 710.587553ms 710.587553ms 0 0 0 1 _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
240.628887ms 759.081µs 21.083936ms 0 0 0 317 shortcodes/goodonyou.html
117.262296ms 102.502µs 8.649381ms 0 0 0 1144 shortcodes/glassdoor.html
60.615176ms 492.806µs 1.212688ms 0 0 0 123 shortcodes/bcorp.html
76.315µs 76.315µs 76.315µs 100 0 0 1 partials/header.html
48.791µs 48.791µs 48.791µs 100 0 0 1 partials/footer.html
41.322µs 41.322µs 41.322µs 0 0 0 1 404.html
Total in 282976 ms
more gains
Last couple of days have proven issues with local development machine not having enough resources. Expansion of SWAP is a solution for mid-RAM machines for rendering the site in hugo which now takes over 32gb of RAM at its peak, its unclear as I am writing this what the requirements are now we are in the 75k companies zone with the 3-layer deep wikipedia/wikidata associations. This is more likely related to the associations rather than the 30% increase in companies.
Local cache of JSON requests is closing in on 70k, and rough estimates is that this may double. There's gonna be turbulence kids!
cumulative average maximum cache percent cached total
duration duration duration potential cached count count template
---------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------ ----- --------
1h28m58.853124078s 72.914233ms 33.717832408s 0 0 0 73221 _default/single.html
48m13.830595945s 44.970871ms 5.142949473s 0 0 0 64349 shortcodes/wikidata.html
33m22.422788396s 8.830231ms 33.68921873s 0 0 0 226769 shortcodes/wikipedia.html
1m5.073124397s 888.722µs 509.323188ms 31 0 0 73221 partials/similar.html
15.627288786s 21.089458ms 925.213586ms 0 0 0 741 shortcodes/isin.html
6.709231793s 2.517535ms 329.599932ms 0 0 0 2665 shortcodes/goodonyou.html
6.21385977s 1.673992ms 116.356577ms 0 0 0 3712 shortcodes/bcorp.html
4.013184631s 4.013184631s 4.013184631s 0 0 0 1 index.html
3.797138332s 1.884435ms 107.030338ms 0 0 0 2015 shortcodes/glassdoor.html
3.164952574s 3.164952574s 3.164952574s 0 0 0 1 _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
1.516108155s 1.516108155s 1.516108155s 0 0 0 1 list.json
223.185039ms 111.592519ms 222.963809ms 0 0 0 2 _default/list.html
60.051888ms 1.193µs 4.734845ms 0 0 0 50313 shortcodes/trust.html
29.175557ms 14.587778ms 17.479311ms 0 0 0 2 _internal/_default/rss.xml
215.029µs 71.676µs 210.719µs 100 0 0 3 partials/header.html
61.685µs 20.561µs 58.58µs 100 0 0 3 partials/footer.html
60.794µs 60.794µs 60.794µs 0 0 0 1 404.html
| EN
Pages | 73227
Paginator pages | 0
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 11
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 0
Sitemaps | 1
Cleaned | 0
Built in 712582 ms
In the template generation code I've been thinking of ways we can further speed up the process since this is the slowest part of the process. We already parallelise most of the process and still the process takes hours. This should really not be the case. I think we are probably hitting file-access speed limits. Perhaps moving the wikidata caches to a ramdisk would speed things up.
Limited run (indexes: Goodonyou, mbfc, bcorp, glassdoor) Timing for limited run without changes:
real 16m4.411s
user 108m21.644s
sys 10m50.220s
Just wikicache in ram:
real 8m39.988s
user 32m41.911s
sys 11m2.001s
Wikicache + Wikidata index in ram + avoiding wikipage lookups if known bad:
real 16m14.008s
user 102m35.283s
sys 18m8.402s
Reengineered the associated_companies function to work more via associations + above:
real 3m42.970s
user 21m43.202s
sys 6m21.180s
Full regeneration with new optimisations are estimated around 2 hours with the new optimisations
real 144m48.294s
user 917m11.294s
sys 225m40.164s
2.5~ hours, 72562 pages.
| EN
Pages | 72567
Paginator pages | 0
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 11
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 0
Sitemaps | 1
Cleaned | 0
Total in 512401 ms
real 8m34.018s
user 59m41.124s
sys 1m15.664s
Template Metrics:
cumulative average maximum cache percent cached total
duration duration duration potential cached count count template
---------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------ ----- --------
1h44m6.231974381s 22.076951ms 36.10302944s 0 0 0 282930 _default/single.html
59m51.147158496s 55.764886ms 3.357594876s 0 0 0 64398 shortcodes/wikidata.html
33m0.7615263s 5.136776ms 3.107983725s 0 0 0 385604 shortcodes/wikipedia.html
2m50.403177544s 38.422362ms 1.787263179s 84 0 0 4435 partials/mbfc.html
1m14.390977203s 262.93µs 875.8224ms 82 0 0 282930 partials/similar.html
55.476409452s 196.078µs 576.416125ms 95 0 0 282930 partials/trustpilot.html
55.416964002s 55.416964002s 55.416964002s 0 0 0 1 index.html
24.642992795s 24.642992795s 24.642992795s 0 0 0 1 _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
19.419809363s 26.207569ms 408.476996ms 0 0 0 741 shortcodes/isin.html
17.51518555s 17.51518555s 17.51518555s 0 0 0 1 list.json
8.63296202s 3.064594ms 400.415609ms 12 0 0 2817 partials/goodonyou.html
7.229909967s 1.131264ms 88.693449ms 0 0 0 6391 shortcodes/glassdoor.html
6.816600941s 1.766416ms 114.798836ms 70 0 0 3859 partials/bcorp.html
484.07015ms 242.035075ms 304.517501ms 0 0 0 2 _default/list.html
272.918058ms 136.459029ms 215.955115ms 0 0 0 2 _internal/_default/rss.xml
15.419874ms 10.151µs 151.404µs 71 0 0 1519 partials/tosdr.html
554.183µs 184.727µs 550.679µs 100 0 0 3 partials/header.html
173.334µs 173.334µs 173.334µs 0 0 0 1 404.html
94.472µs 31.49µs 82.851µs 100 0 0 3 partials/footer.html
| EN
Pages | 282936
Paginator pages | 0
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 11
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 0
Sitemaps | 1
Cleaned | 0
Built in 1016131 ms
Its worth noting that the extension now loads faster due to filesize adjustments and the way we load data in the newest format
With the removal of tags from the frontend the site generation is very fast now, as well as some novel partial-caching for many components in the site.
Build times still suck on making records, 6 hours + for the non-wikipedia db, this should improve dramatically post #64
Page loading times is likely the next frontier as they are getting pretty large. Perhaps lazy-loading the wikipedia sections might be good to do when redesign is implemented.
Template Metrics:
cumulative average maximum cache percent cached total
duration duration duration potential cached count count template
---------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------ ----- --------
14m37.595504124s 7.524095ms 2.554144783s 0 0 0 116638 _default/single.html
6m5.964251761s 1.171426ms 2.438299011s 0 0 0 312409 shortcodes/wikipedia.html
1m54.810978971s 24.130092ms 1.520782643s 78 0 0 4758 partials/mbfc.html
1m44.81354175s 898.622µs 1.919712924s 44 0 0 116638 partials/similar.html
1m26.96919481s 275.312µs 1.479860378s 0 89 282322 315893 partials/wikidata-name.html
1m18.76639665s 675.306µs 339.28632ms 84 0 0 116638 partials/trustpilot.html
12.310111067s 6.097132ms 2.197388928s 64 0 0 2019 partials/wikidata.html
10.396321988s 13.589963ms 48.705537ms 0 0 0 765 shortcodes/isin.html
5.462238553s 675.768µs 47.479746ms 50 6 514 8083 partials/glassdoor.html
5.302672015s 1.370199ms 31.918444ms 70 0 12 3870 partials/bcorp.html
4.593098407s 1.514374ms 17.013714ms 58 3 77 3033 partials/goodonyou.html
2.137098218s 89.045759ms 656.586977ms 0 0 0 24 index.html
2.098289527s 2.098289527s 2.098289527s 0 0 0 1 list.json
1.349149817s 1.349149817s 1.349149817s 0 0 0 1 _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
932.89521ms 146.589µs 23.954095ms 87 15 946 6364 partials/yahoo.html
341.846221ms 170.92311ms 172.913986ms 0 0 0 2 _default/list.html
211.835908ms 5.245µs 1.848574ms 99 0 0 40383 partials/d3-graph.html
66.206637ms 35.404µs 17.098951ms 71 18 338 1870 partials/tosdr.html
25.798182ms 12.899091ms 12.938325ms 0 0 0 2 _internal/_default/rss.xml
6.078015ms 253.25µs 2.812375ms 10 0 0 24 partials/inline/pagination/default
169.599µs 169.599µs 169.599µs 0 0 0 1 _internal/alias.html
123.934µs 123.934µs 123.934µs 0 0 0 1 partials/header.html
85.186µs 85.186µs 85.186µs 0 0 0 1 partials/footer.html
77.238µs 77.238µs 77.238µs 0 0 0 1 404.html
76.067µs 3.042µs 4.932µs 100 100 25 25 partials/header
69.706µs 2.788µs 3.964µs 100 100 25 25 partials/footer
| EN
Pages | 116644
Paginator pages | 23
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 40394
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 1
Sitemaps | 1
Cleaned | 0
Built in 174528 ms
real 169m43.761s
user 1059m5.810s
sys 123m4.349s
record building, ramcache, new queue, 110k records
cumulative average maximum cache percent cached total
duration duration duration potential cached count count template
---------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------ ----- --------
20m0.339863008s 9.530894ms 487.531414ms 0 0 0 125942 _default/single.html
11m58.543533029s 7.995276ms 103.086964ms 65 0 0 89871 partials/wikidata-social.html
1m44.744356654s 22.588819ms 84.407186ms 84 0 0 4637 partials/mbfc.html
31.502758266s 250.137µs 25.97967ms 41 0 0 125942 partials/similar.html
13.099575902s 3.829165ms 42.822559ms 64 0 0 3421 partials/wikidata-link.html
10.524146817s 4.455608ms 481.986695ms 64 0 0 2362 partials/wikidata.html
5.849616047s 46.446µs 13.648799ms 85 0 0 125942 partials/trustpilot.html
2.13679302s 2.13679302s 2.13679302s 0 0 0 1 list.json
1.981989012s 94.791µs 26.074203ms 52 3 556 20909 partials/glassdoor.html
1.604656045s 544.135µs 3.840288ms 58 1 20 2949 partials/goodonyou.html
1.387999342s 359.213µs 16.670369ms 70 0 8 3864 partials/bcorp.html
1.380791454s 1.380791454s 1.380791454s 0 0 0 1 _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
1.023314489s 431.96µs 478.699958ms 0 85 2011 2369 partials/wikidata-name.html
957.274079ms 36.818233ms 340.243969ms 0 0 0 26 index.html
885.467862ms 8.609µs 20.110186ms 99 1 890 102843 partials/d3-graph.html
327.188839ms 48.186µs 31.313934ms 86 20 1377 6790 partials/yahoo.html
77.452473ms 32.958µs 4.823941ms 71 31 731 2350 partials/tosdr.html
3.243395ms 124.745µs 249.907µs 9 0 0 26 partials/inline/pagination/default
678.871µs 339.435µs 354.186µs 0 0 0 2 _internal/_default/rss.xml
301.141µs 150.57µs 224.607µs 0 0 0 2 _default/list.html
118.947µs 118.947µs 118.947µs 0 0 0 1 partials/header.html
110.162µs 110.162µs 110.162µs 0 0 0 1 _internal/alias.html
97.432µs 97.432µs 97.432µs 0 0 0 1 partials/footer.html
59.921µs 59.921µs 59.921µs 0 0 0 1 404.html
33.139µs 1.227µs 1.935µs 100 100 27 27 partials/header
32.122µs 1.189µs 2.944µs 100 100 27 27 partials/footer
| EN
Pages | 125948
Paginator pages | 25
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 104734
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 1
Sitemaps | 1
Cleaned | 0
Built in 164413 ms
real 5016m46.202s
user 29916m24.678s
sys 1732m54.162s
real 472m16.674s
user 1603m49.305s
sys 455m57.039s
After re-engineering a bunch of wikidata reading code, generation of records now takes less than 1/10th of the time to generate and ingests full wikidata backups.
(316k records)
real 124m46.140s
user 485m4.615s
sys 183m22.453s
re-engineering pretty much everything to remove as much unneeded operations and reads as possible, leaning heavily on indexing and lookup tables as associative arrays has cut down the build back down to iterate-able levels. 316k records in a little over 2 hours. This part of the code base is likely as fast as it can be without shifting paradigm or changing hardware again.
cumulative average maximum cache percent cached total
duration duration duration potential cached count count template
---------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------ ----- --------
25m21.019823717s 4.811572ms 366.693925ms 0 0 0 316117 _default/single.html
12m59.660282165s 8.390842ms 86.289357ms 38 11 10475 92918 partials/wikidata-social.html
3m26.105569691s 651.991µs 57.942111ms 69 0 0 316117 partials/similar.html
2m15.019299076s 427.118µs 45.087759ms 95 0 0 316117 partials/trustpilot.html
1m53.29823693s 25.511875ms 227.149487ms 85 0 0 4441 partials/mbfc.html
22.359678619s 9.201513ms 60.635664ms 100 17 411 2430 partials/tosdr.html
14.15896314s 3.92977ms 24.592855ms 59 11 405 3603 partials/wikidata-link.html
13.928343581s 5.398582ms 80.468952ms 48 0 0 2580 partials/wikidata.html
11.743088686s 14.320839ms 77.393568ms 36 16 131 820 partials/isin.html
7.422477677s 364.705µs 36.511276ms 65 0 1 20352 partials/glassdoor.html
7.11963097s 7.11963097s 7.11963097s 0 0 0 1 list.json
5.347148185s 16.915µs 20.819095ms 100 100 316116 316117 partials/translation_picker.html
4.317184016s 4.317184016s 4.317184016s 0 0 0 1 _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
3.977777733s 1.031581ms 53.467581ms 67 0 0 3856 partials/bcorp.html
3.854055036s 60.219609ms 1.796487186s 0 0 0 64 index.html
3.608306966s 1.169629ms 21.289083ms 90 0 0 3085 partials/goodonyou.html
3.003740854s 1.156174ms 78.451766ms 1 85 2221 2598 partials/wikidata-name.html
530.600809ms 5.171µs 21.958319ms 98 0 0 102603 partials/d3-graph.html
52.154701ms 26.07735ms 26.611968ms 0 0 0 2 _default/list.html
51.02682ms 797.294µs 42.196833ms 7 0 0 64 partials/inline/pagination/default
37.274676ms 18.637338ms 18.655971ms 0 0 0 2 _internal/_default/rss.xml
5.171894ms 5.171894ms 5.171894ms 0 0 0 1 _internal/alias.html
306.786µs 153.393µs 160.361µs 0 0 0 2 partials/footer.html
256.466µs 3.945µs 158.067µs 100 100 65 65 partials/footer
229.878µs 229.878µs 229.878µs 0 0 0 1 404.html
190.003µs 2.923µs 5.019µs 100 100 65 65 partials/header
127.341µs 1.989µs 62.325µs 100 98 63 64 partials/logo.html
117.811µs 1.84µs 79.505µs 100 98 63 64 partials/glossary.html
70.268µs 70.268µs 70.268µs 0 0 0 1 partials/header.html
| EN
Pages | 316123
Paginator pages | 63
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 298327
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 1
Sitemaps | 1
Cleaned | 0
Built in 289017 ms
I forgot to note here that it takes around an hour to rebuild the linking lists that use https-everywhere and duckduckgo's entity radar. This is single threaded but likely isnt something that needs to be made faster since its not as frequently updated at the source level nor does it change much (it just gets larger mostly)
real 124m59.235s
user 957m26.594s
sys 4m23.282s
Pythonic implementation, no graph, unoptimised, parallel
real 0m50.322s
user 3m17.463s
sys 0m46.631s
Pythonic implementation, no graph, minor optimisation, parallel (may be inaccurately fast for first run as caching at db might be happening)
real 385m18.072s
user 2996m15.378s
sys 6m12.448s
Pythonic, Graph and DB, First run, no optimisation, parallel
real 4m45.784s
user 20m11.702s
sys 1m42.426s
Pythonic, Graph and DB, Optimising of graph stuff, cutting out a lot of redundant checking with the way we filtered out claims that weren't available
real 6m44.221s
user 24m20.565s
sys 1m52.417s
real 7m0.162s
user 25m51.683s
sys 2m5.707s
Near Feature parity in new module based generation. Lots of places where optimisation can still be done regarding checking to see if data exists which could just be included in the indexes
real 7m7.406s
user 26m12.165s
sys 2m7.010s
Graph modifications, Even closer to parity. No new optimisations. Inter-db linking now possible.
cumulative average maximum cache percent cached total
duration duration duration potential cached count count template
---------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------ ----- --------
22m49.677435956s 3.956775ms 1.193946594s 0 0 0 346160 _default/single.html
18m39.565677831s 11.174983ms 781.355323ms 58 10 9962 100185 partials/wikidata-social.html
22.032729676s 4.808539ms 52.464289ms 49 17 775 4582 partials/wikidata-link.html
19.399427213s 56.04µs 24.965738ms 0 0 0 346168 _default/single.json
18.691428542s 8.162195ms 930.32279ms 32 0 0 2290 partials/wikidata.html
8.909604884s 164.992683ms 7.272690426s 0 0 0 54 _internal/_default/rss.xml
8.503096603s 8.503096603s 8.503096603s 0 0 0 1 list.json
7.921953557s 146.702843ms 4.966374926s 0 0 0 54 _default/list.html
7.793275908s 22.513µs 37.073551ms 87 0 0 346160 partials/tools.html
5.868767324s 5.868767324s 5.868767324s 0 0 0 1 _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
5.460243491s 2.384385ms 871.249547ms 4 16 372 2290 partials/wikidata-name.html
3.140002697s 9.07µs 30.384571ms 100 100 346159 346160 partials/translation_picker.html
712.772044ms 6.355µs 11.580729ms 98 0 414 112144 partials/d3-graph.html
218.643849ms 218.643849ms 218.643849ms 0 0 0 1 index.html
63.324116ms 7.915514ms 8.450334ms 0 0 0 8 _default/index.html
50.226801ms 50.226801ms 50.226801ms 0 0 0 1 404.html
927.894µs 14.966µs 217.898µs 100 100 62 62 partials/header
224.297µs 3.617µs 101.454µs 100 100 62 62 partials/footer
73.475µs 36.737µs 71.339µs 0 0 0 2 partials/header.html
51.102µs 25.551µs 49.049µs 0 0 0 2 partials/footer.html
| EN
Pages | 692447
Paginator pages | 0
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 322609
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 0
Sitemaps | 1
Cleaned | 0
Built in 364543 ms
In-progress NeoGraph web rendering. No optimisations.
real 4m19.559s
user 13m57.495s
sys 1m36.123s
Module parity, Neo-graph, New Wikidata placement. Small optimisations.
New hugo version:
Start building sites �
hugo v0.123.4-21a41003c4633b142ac565c52da22924dc30637a+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2024-02-26T16:33:05Z VendorInfo=snap:0.123.4
Template Metrics:
cumulative average maximum cache percent cached total
duration duration duration potential cached count count template
---------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------ ----- --------
2m6.10573053s 575.825253ms 41.299867513s 0 0 0 219 _internal/_default/rss.xml
1m22.286453084s 241.351µs 132.944331ms 0 0 0 340940 _default/single.html
33.811785145s 99.169µs 217.641271ms 0 0 0 340948 _default/single.json
22.089406918s 100.864871ms 8.065513743s 0 0 0 219 _default/list.html
14.280714141s 14.280714141s 14.280714141s 0 0 0 1 list.json
9.182200684s 26.932µs 131.874073ms 87 0 0 340940 partials/tools.html
8.042252143s 8.042252143s 8.042252143s 0 0 0 1 _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
43.729268ms 5.466158ms 11.553188ms 0 0 0 8 _default/index.html
7.772373ms 7.772373ms 7.772373ms 0 0 0 1 index.html
597.254µs 2.642µs 13.751µs 100 100 226 226 partials/footer
595.033µs 2.621µs 15.444µs 100 100 227 227 partials/header
287.242µs 143.621µs 273.149µs 0 0 0 2 partials/header.html
77.916µs 77.916µs 77.916µs 0 0 0 1 404.html
54.387µs 18.129µs 38.774µs 0 0 0 3 partials/footer.html
| EN
Pages | 682338
Paginator pages | 0
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 335183
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 0
Cleaned | 0
Built in 287164 ms
Template Metrics:
cumulative average maximum cache percent cached total
duration duration duration potential cached count count template
---------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------ ----- --------
17.939979424s 52.617µs 19.074009ms 0 0 0 340948 _default/single.json
12.435516491s 41.729921ms 7.000073755s 0 0 0 298 _default/list.html
10.100321255s 29.624µs 15.734765ms 0 0 0 340940 _default/single.html
9.89668431s 9.89668431s 9.89668431s 0 0 0 1 list.json
1.365321ms 170.665µs 224.194µs 0 0 0 8 _default/index.html
861.987µs 2.807µs 165.334µs 100 100 307 307 partials/footer
729.747µs 2.377µs 111.757µs 100 100 307 307 partials/header
652.829µs 652.829µs 652.829µs 0 0 0 1 index.html
149.542µs 149.542µs 149.542µs 0 0 0 1 404.html
82.074µs 82.074µs 82.074µs 0 0 0 1 partials/footer.html
56.252µs 56.252µs 56.252µs 0 0 0 1 partials/header.html
| EN
Pages | 682197
Paginator pages | 0
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 335183
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 0
Cleaned | 0
Total in 218110 ms
Removed a scratch and paired down one the single template
cumulative average maximum cache percent cached total
duration duration duration potential cached count count template
---------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------ ----- --------
19.558414639s 57.364µs 68.890234ms 0 0 0 340948 _default/single.json
12.116188411s 12.116188411s 12.116188411s 0 0 0 1 list.json
10.541611606s 35.374535ms 4.394736219s 0 0 0 298 _default/list.html
731.054µs 2.444µs 7.215µs 100 100 299 299 partials/footer
655.496µs 2.192µs 65.593µs 100 100 299 299 partials/header
560.269µs 560.269µs 560.269µs 0 0 0 1 index.html
100.602µs 100.602µs 100.602µs 0 0 0 1 404.html
69.745µs 69.745µs 69.745µs 0 0 0 1 partials/header.html
52.08µs 52.08µs 52.08µs 0 0 0 1 partials/footer.html
| EN
Pages | 341249
Paginator pages | 0
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 335184
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 0
Cleaned | 0
Total in 214393 ms
Removed single.json, some reworking of various parts. Closing in on using Hugo just for organising files.
Template Metrics:
cumulative average maximum cache percent cached total
duration duration duration potential cached count count template
---------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------ ----- --------
18.301564449s 53.678µs 22.582681ms 0 0 0 340948 _default/single.json
12.92894403s 43.385718ms 6.621970429s 0 0 0 298 _default/list.html
10.001599633s 10.001599633s 10.001599633s 0 0 0 1 list.json
397.848752ms 1.166µs 1.46608ms 0 0 0 340940 _default/single.html
1.709728ms 213.716µs 266.647µs 0 0 0 8 _default/index.html
718.723µs 2.341µs 10.98µs 100 100 307 307 partials/footer
652.658µs 2.125µs 10.606µs 100 100 307 307 partials/header
504.723µs 504.723µs 504.723µs 0 0 0 1 index.html
86.973µs 86.973µs 86.973µs 0 0 0 1 404.html
51.392µs 51.392µs 51.392µs 0 0 0 1 partials/header.html
37.343µs 37.343µs 37.343µs 0 0 0 1 partials/footer.html
| EN
Pages | 682197
Paginator pages | 0
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 335184
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 0
Cleaned | 0
Total in 242435 ms
Disabling the page output kills the pages I wanted to keep (whoops). So I cant remove that until after switching to json output for rosetta/matching. Above is current state with the redundant pages left in.
| EN
Pages | 11
Paginator pages | 0
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 676158
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 0
Cleaned | 0
Total in 298579 ms
real 4m58.761s
user 1m15.872s
sys 1m20.760s
The change to premaking the json files has made build time slower for hugo, I didn't know that static file copying causes this amount of slowdown. The actual generating of pages now is basically instant with most of the time going to the data copying. We probably should break out the data storage or move it to roundabout. I am hesitant and will let it simmer before making any major changes. There may be some build settings that can fix some of this slowdown, with this amount of static files i'm guessing that a lot of cycles is spent on watching for changes in the ~700k files when running hugo server
cumulative average maximum cache percent cached total
duration duration duration potential cached count count template
---------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------ ----- --------
1.374191ms 171.773µs 240.698µs 0 0 0 8 _default/index.html
569.149µs 569.149µs 569.149µs 0 0 0 1 index.html
478.926µs 478.926µs 478.926µs 0 0 0 1 list.json
69.958µs 69.958µs 69.958µs 0 0 0 1 partials/header.html
65.665µs 65.665µs 65.665µs 0 0 0 1 partials/footer.html
62.705µs 62.705µs 62.705µs 0 0 0 1 404.html
19.452µs 2.161µs 4.744µs 100 100 9 9 partials/header
15.802µs 1.755µs 2.437µs 100 100 9 9 partials/footer
| EN
Pages | 11
Paginator pages | 0
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 676158
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 0
Cleaned | 0
Built in 426746 ms
Alloc = 184.4 MB
TotalAlloc = 9.2 GB
Sys = 571.9 MB
NumGC = 176
This is the template stats for the live build using hugo server.
Copy Entities Start 934
718004/720451 [00:44<00:00, 12934.40it/s]
Initial Processing complete.
Rosetta Start 986
647/650 [00:04<00:00, 144.06it/s]
Copy Files Start 995
Tags Start 996
100%|[00:28<00:00, 27074.12it/s]End 1025
The scripts taken from old IV for updating some databases are slow, We can do better. A generic function needs to be written to apply to any given large process so that we can cut down on some of this time taken.