A single CSS value can have multiple equivalent representations, which are currently considered as distinct values during alias creation.
short hex codes: #fff === #ffffff
keywords: white === #ffffff
rgb values: rgb(255,255,255) === #ffffff
Currently, creating an alias will leave these values untouched, and there's no way to assign the same alias to them. Hence the bug label, there is no good reason to not apply the alias there and no workaround.
Sometimes there's also hsl values that are really close to a hex value, however these spaces probably don't exactly map to each other in many cases. Still it could be useful to, within some margin, consider these the same if they're visually undistinguishable.
A single CSS value can have multiple equivalent representations, which are currently considered as distinct values during alias creation.
#fff === #ffffff
white === #ffffff
rgb(255,255,255) === #ffffff
Currently, creating an alias will leave these values untouched, and there's no way to assign the same alias to them. Hence the bug label, there is no good reason to not apply the alias there and no workaround.
Sometimes there's also
values that are really close to a hex value, however these spaces probably don't exactly map to each other in many cases. Still it could be useful to, within some margin, consider these the same if they're visually undistinguishable.