IoSR-Surrey / MatlabToolbox

General purpose Matlab toolbox
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Questions on the use of gramm - iosr.statistics.boxPl function #10

Closed rvenegas2014 closed 6 years ago

rvenegas2014 commented 6 years ago

This as a great tool, Mahalo for creating and sharing this with us!

I apologize in advance if any of my questions have already an answer (if so, please direct me to those answers).

1) Is it possible to modify the position of the 'sampleSize' on the figure to skip overlapping when having multiple boxes (e.g. rotate it, have an individual legend (color = value) within each section of a figure, have a reference box as part of legend, or shift position between top and bottom of consecutive boxes?

2) How could ‘boxcolor’ colormap be changed to comply with perception-deficiencies (colorblind, as now required for publications and federal documents)? I tried @gray and works fine, but including other colormap-for-colorblind people would be appreciated.

Something like..?. h=iosr.statistics.boxPlot(...) ... set(h.handle.boxcolor, colormap(ametrine(256,'gamma',1.8,'minColor','black','maxColor',[0 1 0])));

This colormap comes from:

3) Could be possible to modify individually the text format and size of a particular portion of the figure?

Something like...? h=iosr.statistics.boxPlot(...) ... set(h.handles.groupLabels, 'Rotation', 90);

I also tried... set(h.handles.samplesTxt, 'Rotation', 90); But geeting this error: Reference to non-existent field 'samplesTxt'.

4) Could be possible to add a NaN to places where no data exist on a figure?

5) How to add a horizontal reference line on the figure created by iosr.statistics.boxPlot(...) ?

6) How could the figure legend be fixed to a specific position within figure, like... Northwest, Northeast, etc?

This is what I am working on: image

chummersone commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to modify the position of the 'sampleSize' on the figure to skip overlapping when having multiple boxes

There is no implemented property or method for changing the position of the sample size text. You can use the handles (obj.handles.samplesTxt) to modify the properties of each text box directly.

How could ‘boxcolor’ colormap be changed to comply with perception-deficiencies

The property accepts a function handle as its argument, so you can provide whatever colormap function you want. Colormap functions accept one argument (the number of colours). With your example, you could wrap the function in an anonymous function, e.g.

myColorMap = @(n) ametrine(n,'gamma',1.8,'minColor','black','maxColor',[0 1 0]);

then pass myColorMap as the argument.

Could be possible to modify individually the text format and size of a particular portion of the figure?

You can use the handles structure to modify the properties of any of those objects. Some of the handles will only be available if the corresponding option is enabled, e.g. obj.handles.samplesTxt will only be available if 'sampleSize' is set to true.

Could be possible to add a NaN to places where no data exist on a figure?

Where exactly would you plot non-existent data?!

How to add a horizontal reference line on the figure created by iosr.statistics.boxPlot(...) ?

Something like:

hold on;
y = 2; % whatever height you want the line
plot(get(gca, 'xlim'), [y y]);

How could the figure legend be fixed to a specific position within figure

set(obj.handles.legend, 'location', 'northwest')

Note: I haven't tested any of this code.

rvenegas2014 commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much for your answer and for how quick your answer my requests. I tried all of your suggestions and they work great!

I will have to read more on handles structure to modify the properties of objects within this function.

Where exactly would you plot non-existent data?! In the figure attached, as an example, all my data at 'N' on first area 'Depth 0-3.99m' are NaN. Ideally would be great to have a symbol like '*' or 'NaN' or similar centered in the y-axis instead.

rvenegas2014 commented 6 years ago

Sorry, one more question...

Now that the colormap can be changed to myColorMap, how can apply myColorMap to the outliers, to make those consistent with box color?


rvenegas2014 commented 6 years ago

This option answer my last question:

iosr.statistics.boxPlot(......, 'symbolColor',myColorMap)

chummersone commented 6 years ago

I will have to read more on handles structure to modify the properties of objects within this function.

You can view all the available properties of a handle by typing, for example,


Then set them with

set(obj.handles.axes, 'propertyName', propertyValue)

Ideally would be great to have a symbol like '*' or 'NaN' or similar centered in the y-axis instead.

Personally I think that would be misleading. I'd prefer to state that the data are missing, and the reason they're missing, in the associated caption and/or prose. Either way, it's not trivial. You might be able to do something like

xtick = get(obj.handles.axes, 'xtick');
hold on
plot(xtick(1), y, '*')
% then perhaps use annotate() to write a label

how can apply myColorMap to the outliers

There is no straightforward way, and I have no time to implement such a feature (nor access to Matlab). Something like this might work:

for n = 1:numel(
    set(obj.handles.outliers(n), 'markeredgecolor', get(, 'facecolor'))

Again, this is untested.

rvenegas2014 commented 6 years ago
