IonDen / ion.rangeSlider

jQuery only range slider
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Why javascript configure is priority ? #286

Closed C0nstantin closed 8 years ago

C0nstantin commented 8 years ago

When I create some sliders in different parts of my site, I can not use js config how default config and data-* how specific for that slider , all work v.v.

IonDen commented 8 years ago

Hi, please, make you question more clear, i don't really understand the problem.

C0nstantin commented 8 years ago why is that? I think data-* configures should have more priority? Its convenient

IonDen commented 8 years ago

Ah, okey, i understand your point. Good idea.

IonDen commented 8 years ago

Fixed in 2.1.0