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Implement Dual-Feed System for User Discovery #36

Open Balance8 opened 7 months ago

Balance8 commented 7 months ago

Ticket: Implement Dual-Feed System for User Discovery

User Story: As a user, I want to have both a swipe-through (like TikTok) and a scrollable feed (like Instagram) for discovering cosplayer or photographer profiles, enabling me to choose my preferred method of interaction.


Develop two distinct yet integrated features for user discovery:

  1. A swipe-through feature for a quick, intuitive selection of profiles.
  2. A scrollable feed for exploring profiles in a more detailed, relaxed manner.

Both features should be implemented using Next.js 14, with UI components from Radix UI and styled using Tailwind CSS.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Dual-Feed Interface: Create a swipe-through interface and a scrollable feed, both user-friendly and intuitive.
  2. Seamless Integration with User Profiles: Ensure both features work flawlessly with user profiles in the PlanetScale database, managed via Prisma ORM.
  3. Responsive and Appealing Design: Use Radix UI and Tailwind CSS for responsive, visually appealing interfaces across devices.
  4. Performance Optimization: Utilize Next.js 14 for efficient data handling, ensuring a smooth experience in both feed types.
  5. Gesture Handling for Swipe Interface: Implement touch gestures specifically for the swipe-through feature on mobile devices.
  6. Differentiated Backend Logic for Each Feed: Develop separate backend logic to fetch and display profiles for both the swipe interface and the scrollable feed.
  7. Feedback on Swipe Actions: Provide immediate UI feedback during the swipe process.
  8. Interactive Elements for Scrollable Feed: Ensure interactive elements (like likes, comments) are well integrated into the scrollable feed.
  9. Error Handling for Both Interfaces: Implement robust error handling for any issues encountered in either feed.

Technical Notes


Time Estimate