Ionia-Devs / chameleon
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Implement User Registration and Login Feature #37

Closed Balance8 closed 7 months ago

Balance8 commented 7 months ago

Ticket: Implement User Registration and Login Feature

User Story: As a cosplayer, I want to create and edit my profile, so I can share my cosplaying interests and experiences.


Develop a feature that allows cosplayers and photographers to register and log into the app. The feature should be easy to use and secure, supporting both manual registration (email/password) and social media logins.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Registration Form: The form should collect essential information like email, password, and user role (cosplayer/photographer).
  2. Email Verification: Implement an email verification system to ensure the authenticity of the user.
  3. Social Media Login: Provide options to register/login via social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Google).
  4. Profile Creation: Post-registration, users should be directed to create their profile.
  5. Security: Ensure data encryption and secure storage of user credentials.
  6. UI/UX: The registration and login interface should be intuitive and align with the overall design of the app.
  7. Error Handling: Implement proper error messages for user guidance (e.g., incorrect password, invalid email format).


Time Estimate