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Develop Ratings and Reviews System #5

Open Balance8 opened 7 months ago

Balance8 commented 7 months ago

Ticket: Develop Ratings and Reviews System

User Story: As a user, I want to rate and review cosplayers and photographers to share my experience with the community.


Implement a ratings and reviews system where users can provide feedback on their experiences with photographers or cosplayers. This feature should use Next.js 14, with Prisma for database interactions and PlanetScale for data storage. The UI will be built with Radix UI components and styled using Tailwind CSS.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Rating Mechanism: Enable users to rate each other on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5 stars).
  2. Review Submission: Allow users to write reviews about their experiences.
  3. Profile Integration: Display ratings and reviews on user profiles.
  4. Responsive UI: Create a user-friendly interface for submitting and viewing ratings/reviews.
  5. Data Management: Use Prisma ORM for handling ratings and reviews data.
  6. Moderation and Validation: Implement features to moderate reviews and validate authenticity.
  7. Error Handling: Ensure robust error handling for rating and review processes.

Technical Notes


Time Estimate