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Most enjoyable front-end frameworks #1

Closed egoist closed 8 years ago

egoist commented 8 years ago

I've been seen you doing a lot of node.js things, so this is a front-end related question. 😂

eg: React, Angular, Vue, Polymer, Deku etc...

I personally prefer Vue then React. 🤔

IonicaBizau commented 8 years ago

I don't have any favorite framework because, generally, I don't like frameworks. Instead, I like to use small libraries and require they are needed.

I did use React and I have to admit that I enjoyed using it: I learned it quickly, but forgot it quickly too. I was not for someone else. :smile: I may use React on the server in the future because I like its idea.

Again, I'm not that much into frameworks because it's not my style. :grin: