IonicaBizau / ama

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Would you like to make some screencasts teaching people code? #18

Closed egoist closed 7 years ago

egoist commented 7 years ago (not ad.) makes me love screencasts again 😂 Because most videos there are short, brief and no bullshits.

I know you are a mentor on, so I wonder if you're also interested in this 😃

IonicaBizau commented 7 years ago

I'd like to, but the main reasons I don't do it (for now) are that I'm pretty busy and second, I don't feel comfortable to record myself talking and posting the videos online (I do record music from time to time, tho).

I like 1:1 sessions on the internet and also in the real life (I'm not good in talking to more than 2 or 3 persons at once... 😊).

I will keep this idea in mind and see if things change later. Who knows... Thanks! 😁