IonicaBizau / ama

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Where is your source for ideas? #24

Closed dance2die closed 6 years ago

dance2die commented 6 years ago

I was reading your answer on your daily routine and can't help but notice you mentioning about ideas.

I see so many repos and wondering where is your source of idea? Books? Blogs?, etc.

Would you recommend some (all preferrably :smile: ) resources of your ideas, as well?

Thank you~

IonicaBizau commented 6 years ago

Books? Yes! Blogs? Yes!

Sometimes I get ideas when I'm working on something and I realize that I could extend something making it more generic.

For example, scrape-it was something I had in mind for a long time before building it. When I finally decided to build it, I thought: Alright, maybe I will build it step by step and write a tutorial as well!

So, while writing How to write a web scraper in Node.js, I created cheerio-req and wrote some small snippets (used in the post) which after few minutes were the core part of scrape-it.

I remember I published that module on a Thursday or Friday, and on Friday afternoon I left a link on ProductHunt about it. Saturday evening, after the resting, I checked my emails and I was surprised to find lots of emails from Twitter, ProductHunt, and GitHub about scrape-it! It was my first project who went kinda viral on ProductHunt.

Truth is I didn't make a lot of research of existing scrapers in the Node.js community, so I just built one following the JSON syntax ideas I had in my head. 😁

Also, ideas come when I'm resting or relaxing. Sometimes, just being in nature or doing rock balancingβ€”in fact taking few moments for me, to not get distracted by phone notifications, emails etcβ€”helps me too!

I heard about a programmer who before solving a difficult problem, goes to take a few minutes of rest in their hammock and just sits there not thinking about that difficult problem that needs to be solved.

Because I believe we were designed to have Saturday as a day of rest, I end my work few hours before Friday's sunset and coming back after the Saturday's sunset. During this time I put my phone on Airplane mode (unless I'm traveling and have to send pings to my brothers/parents that everything is fine :grin:) and I try to not think of any business/work/coding related things.

Daily I get two newsletters:

I read quickly the titles and open those who seem very interesting.

The Changelog twitter's feed is quite interesting (they share interesting projects) and sometimes I listen to their podcasts.

Along with programming I do other random stuff such as playing piano, experiments including chemistry, high voltage, DIY projects etc. Probably, those help too! 😁

What I noticed is that smaller ideas build greater ideas: like the npm modularization. πŸ˜‚ It doesn't matter if an idea is a tiny one (e.g. a small project). Just build it. Share it. Maybe after one week, you will get another small one. And maybe after four weeks, a bigger one will come just because previously you put an effort in appreciating the small things. πŸš€

Putting love in whatever you do matters. Scripture says that Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might (Ecclesiastes 9:10) and I found that to be correct!

Finally, I just leave another link to a previous interview where you can read my answers to some related questions. πŸ“