Some novice users want to access help when first learning to use a notebook.
Possible solutions
Add a link to a help file of some sort. That way people who need it can use it and others easily skip by it.
Acceptance criteria
Tasks to complete
[ ] This help should be written in an accessible way
[ ] Link to notebook tutorial
[ ] The link should be easy to skip past
[ ] List specialized shortcuts for notebooks or special screen reader features, list it in the help doc. Example: progress indicator may speak the word loading
what kind of help information would they like? do they need help knowing how to navigate? definitions of the design system? should we have a single document that describes navigating notebooks rendered by nbconvert?
Problem and context
Some novice users want to access help when first learning to use a notebook.
Possible solutions
Add a link to a help file of some sort. That way people who need it can use it and others easily skip by it.
Acceptance criteria
Tasks to complete