IppSec / parrot-build

Ansible Scripts to Build Out My Parrot
166 stars 90 forks source link

Repo not found: mpgn/CrackMapExec #15

Open FriendlyButFire opened 10 months ago

FriendlyButFire commented 10 months ago

It seems the repo it's now private... I would suggest replacing it with https://github.com/Porchetta-Industries/CrackMapExec

FanSt3 commented 10 months ago

It seems the repo it's now private... I would suggest replacing it with https://github.com/Porchetta-Industries/CrackMapExec

do you maybe know how to fix the error with this thing and get this version of parrot up and running?

IppSec commented 10 months ago

Try a git pull then redo it.

FanSt3 commented 10 months ago

Try a git pull then redo it.

i tried that and i still get this error failed: [localhost] (item=fanste: GitHub.copilot-nightly) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": [{"username": "myusername"}, "GitHub.copilot-nightly"], "msg": "Error while installing extension [GitHub.copilot-nightly]: (1) Installing extensions...\nExtension 'github.copilot-nightly' not found.\nMake sure you use the full extension ID, including the publisher, e.g.: ms-dotnettools.csharp\nFailed Installing Extensions: github.copilot-nightly\n"} Do you know maybe to fix this also and tysm for help!

IppSec commented 10 months ago

Try again. (pulling of course first)