Ippo343 / DangIt

DangIt! A random failures mod for Kerbal Space Program
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life support / air circulation breaking / pumps breaking #110

Closed anxcon closed 8 years ago

anxcon commented 9 years ago

i don't know if this is possible for dangit, but

so life support mods have oxygen, you need oxygen to breathe say i have a ship that is just 2 pods, if a valve ever breaks etc in pod`1, air wouldn't come out of said tanks, pod 2 still works, i think most life support mods would have the kerbal using pod2 air though - or does it take into account the "flow" ability of the resource which would be nice?;p

either case what i want is a way for "flow" to break between parts, say i have 2 tanks, after a point pump breaks on tank 1, i cant transfer between - or should that only allow cant pump "out"? so 2 could still pump into 1, perhaps the module lets you pick :)

602p commented 9 years ago

I think TACLS at least calculates on a vessel-wide basis. Disabling fuel crossfeed is definatley possible though.

You could use the transfer GUI to get around it, that would be a fun Apollo-13-like mechanic!

I've got end of year school stuff, but I can look at it in like 2 weeks :-) (eexpect more updates this summer)

anxcon commented 9 years ago

is there a way to disable transfer GUI in the same bit? like you can't transfer SRB solidfuel :) no auto flow, nada

CovertJaguar commented 8 years ago

You could have USI LS recycler modules fail probably.

Ippo343 commented 8 years ago

I think this is a little bit too detailed and also very different to model.