Ippo343 / DangIt

DangIt! A random failures mod for Kerbal Space Program
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tank tweak / general pressure suggestion #113

Open anxcon opened 9 years ago

anxcon commented 9 years ago

i would think a new partmodule, not fully sure dangit style but eh

basicly any tank built in ksp is assumed to be able to hold its item, be it uncompressed liquid fuel, or compressed oxygen/xenon, but "holding it" isnt the only trick, holding pressurized stuff at sealevel in earth atmo is one thing, the same tank in orbit could pop from the extra strain

so possibly a new module (to be more to any part) or adding to moduletankreliability etc, a max and min pressure that a part can handle - tanks might cave in under the pressure of jool atmo, some tanks might rupture and leak in orbit from no external pressure, plane cockpits might not be able to handle the stress of vacuum / may even leak oxygen (wether its a local tank in cockpit or not it should still drain, as if modulegenerator was turned on and burned it as fuel and no gains)

Ippo343 commented 9 years ago

I like this :)

anxcon commented 9 years ago

accually had another thought, even water and such that doesn't use a pressurized tank, has pressure pushing out once in space, hell this even effects pressurized stuff to a point, this little bit is probably more for the current tank leak mechanic, maybe just an extra field, w/e, but once tank starts leaking for whatever reason, could have the leak speed based on pressure inside/outside as well, not just size of tank

could also replace current mechanic of leak speed based on size, with speed based on time, or randomly between, so a crack might start small, if repaired asap before the crack grows youd lose less - though this bit probably more for highly pressurized things, water wouldnt put too much strain to grow cracks

and last thought, theres a reason propane tanks are white and shiny, and shouldnt be left in the sun - not sure if this is worth a new issue/module, but i liked how cacteye goes boom when viewing sun, perhaps tanks left in sun absorb heat etc, pressurized things have issues, i didnt know where to throw this

Ippo343 commented 8 years ago

I think I will include the atmospheric pressure in the calculation of the failure chance. The temperature already affects the chance as with every other module. The other effects seem a bit excessive to me.

Update: parts now have a dynamicPressurekPa attribute which looks a fantastic candidate to add pressure to the model.