Ipsis / Woot

The alternative mob spawner/grinder system
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Mutliblock forms but does not generate a loot table or items for anything but the sheep controller v1.16 #458

Open ArcSeraphim opened 3 years ago

ArcSeraphim commented 3 years ago

I have built with the squid, zombie, cow, skeleton, enderman, pig, etc and only the sheep controller appears to be causing drops are the sheep the only mob currently functional?

Ipsis commented 3 years ago

Is this 1.16.2/3(?)

Everything should be dropping okay. The sheep uses custom code to ensure that all the different colours of wool are available. I've retested with a simple farm and a cow and saw booth raw beef and leather drops.

Are the drops being shown in the heart gui loot pool and the oracle pages?

ArcSeraphim commented 3 years ago

Yes its 1.16.3-1 not being shown in the heart gui and the oracle only shows the elder dragon and sheep here is a list of the mods i have encase there is something incompatible https://imgur.com/a/khaCeN3

Ipsis commented 3 years ago

It sounds like learning is happening when you have a mob. Could you try the following "/woot simulation learn minecraft:enderman" Wait 60 seconds "/woot simulation roll minecraft:enderman 0"

That should do a fake roll for the newly learned enderman and show in the console that it selected an ender pearl.

Might also be worth running "/forge tps" to see if Tartarus is loaded - which is the dimension where I do the loot learnign.

ArcSeraphim commented 3 years ago

Came back as Loot:0 on enderman and it looks like Tartarus is not loaded. 13:16:40 [Info] [DedicatedServer/]: Starting learning Entity: minecraft:enderman. 13:17:46 [Info] [DedicatedServer/]: minecraft:enderman Looting 0 dropped. 13:17:46 [Info] [DedicatedServer/]: minecraft:enderman Looting 0 dropped . 13:18:06 [Info] [DedicatedServer/]: Dim minecraft:overworld (minecraft:overworld): Mean tick time: 8.132 ms. Mean TPS: 20.000. 13:18:06 [Info] [DedicatedServer/]: Dim minecraft:the_nether (minecraft:the_nether): Mean tick time: 0.330 ms. Mean TPS: 20.000. 13:18:06 [Info] [DedicatedServer/]: Dim minecraft:the_end (minecraft:the_end): Mean tick time: 0.008 ms. Mean TPS: 20.000. 13:18:06 [Info] [DedicatedServer/]: Overall: Mean tick time: 8.711 ms. Mean TPS: 20.000.

Ipsis commented 3 years ago

Tartarus is created on startup via vanilla json files - that is why you get that "experimental features" on startup - I think. You could try teleporting to tartarus and back to the overworld to load it. It stays loaded for me permanently. It is possible that the dimension has not registered in your game - though I'm not sure why that would be. Possibly something in your logs about tartarus /

ArcSeraphim commented 3 years ago

From what i can see it doesnt appear to be loading the tartarus Dimminsion when we load the on our server even with a fresh instance on creeper host it just does not load it or reference it as far as we can tell it seems to be working fine with the same instance when we load it locally this is the log when we load up on creeper host http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=79498479549865028645

Ipsis commented 3 years ago

Busy this week so not had a chance to look at this. The mod list you showed, is that just a standard mod pack or have you created a custom mod list? I'm going to have to boot up a similar instance to try and see if anything obvious is stopping Tartarus from loading and wanted to make sure before I created the mod list instance manually.

iAbuser commented 3 years ago

Tartarus isn't loading on my server either. On 1.16.4

Ipsis commented 3 years ago

@iAbuser are you also using CreeperHost? I only ask since the original report indicated a local instance was fine for them. Also are you running a modpack that I can simply download to try and recreate? Finally could you let me see "/forge tps" ? I'm interested to see if any other dimensions were loaded other than vanilla - assuming of course that you have other non-vanillla dimensions

iAbuser commented 3 years ago

@iAbuser are you also using CreeperHost? I only ask since the original report indicated a local instance was fine for them. Also are you running a modpack that I can simply download to try and recreate? Finally could you let me see "/forge tps" ? I'm interested to see if any other dimensions were loaded other than vanilla - assuming of course that you have other non-vanillla dimensions

Hello, no I’m not using a Minecraft Server Host. I rent a barebones VPS from a data center and have everything manually setup. The mod pack I’m running is All The Mods 6.

When running forge tps it only showed the vanilla dimensions. I did notice something weird though. I restarted the machine and via forge logs it finally showed the woot dimension loading BUT when someone joined the server it crashed. The same problem that occurred on the other server crashing issue. Then when we would restart the machine again, it started working and the loot gen was working too.

Ipsis commented 3 years ago

I've just booted up a ATM6 server and client. Looking up the logs I'm seeing Tartarus registered and generated on the server. On the fresh server I'm seeing multiple dimensions from "forge tps": ae2:spatial_storage, allthemodium:mining, rats:atlantis, allthemodium:the_other etc along with tartarus.

So if you were seeing nothing but vanilla, then I'm guessing that this is not Woot specific. The only reason that a problem (no loot gen) is seen is that Woot needs that extra dimension, but other missing dimensions will load when you visit them.

If you do have another crash, if you could post the debug.log somewhere (it it a decent size file). That has a good amount of information that might indicate what is sometimes going wrong.

Shayleel commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm running my own private modpack on a server on my pc and I have the same issues : no Tartarus loaded From the forge tps I can see the differents dimensions are loaded, vanilla and modded like the one from ae2, but no Tartarus

When I try in singleplayer I have no problem, I can see Tartarus in forge tps and I can go to dimension via tp

Ipsis commented 3 years ago

@Shayleel Which version of Forge are you running? Could you post the debug.log from the server somewhere that I can look at? So far I've never been able to replicate this dimension loading issue so I'm hoping that someones debug.log with the failure can point me in the right direction.

Lyror commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem in ATM 6 multiplayer. I also host my pack on a private server. I build a slime farm tier one. No loot table. The tps for tartarus is 20ms. I restartet the server but it did not helped. I attched my debug.log file. debug.log

Forge version is: forge-1.16.4-35.0.18

Ipsis commented 3 years ago

@Lyror thanks. So I can see from your debug log I get the "onServerStarting" message. I also get the "onServerStarting: force load Tartarus Cells" message showing me that the startup is being handled correctly. So your issue is not related to the dimension loading problem.

However from your debug I see that you are running a slime farm for a large slime, which doesn't drop loot. As per vanilla mechanics only small slimes drop slimeballs. If you retry your factory after creating a controller based off a small slime, it should generate the loot. (I've tried in my instance and I get no drops from large slime, slimeballs from small slime).

Shayleel commented 3 years ago

I am running forge-1.16.4-35.1.0 Here is the debug.log file debug.log

Ipsis commented 3 years ago

@Shayleel Your debug.log shows the "onServerStarting" but no "force load Tartarus" message. There is nothing in your debug.log to say that there was an issue with Tartarus, it just doesn't see to find it when running as a server. Do you have any other mods loaded that create dimensions, other than AE2? ie. does "/forge tps" show anything else other than overworld/end/nether/ae2? Is you mod pack available from anywhere that I could try to recreate it?

Comparing this to the ATM6 dedicated server that I test against, I clearly see woot:tartarus being highlighted in the debug.logs along with a bunch of other mods.

Shayleel commented 3 years ago

I have no other mods that generate dimension so I can't tell you :/ Here is my pack to import in Twitch launcher Woot Debug Pack Shayleel-1.0.zip

Ipsis commented 3 years ago

@Shayleel - just created a dedicated server for your modpack. I'm seeing all dimensions loaded unfortunately

I installed with:

[12:49:44] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Dim minecraft:overworld (null): Mean tick time: 1.231 ms. Mean TPS: 20.000 [12:49:44] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Dim minecraft:the_nether (null): Mean tick time: 0.032 ms. Mean TPS: 20.000 [12:49:44] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Dim minecraft:the_end (null): Mean tick time: 0.017 ms. Mean TPS: 20.000 [12:49:44] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Dim appliedenergistics2:spatial_storage (null): Mean tick time: 0.017 ms. Mean TPS: 20.000 [12:49:44] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Dim woot:tartarus (woot:mobsimulator): Mean tick time: 0.103 ms. Mean TPS: 20.000 [12:49:44] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Overall: Mean tick time: 1.485 ms. Mean TPS: 20.000

[22Nov2020 12:49:24.196] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ipsis.woot.setup.ModSetup/]: onServerStarting: force load Tartarus Cells [22Nov2020 12:49:24.367] [Worker-Main2/DEBUG] [ipsis.woot.setup.ModSetup/]: generateSurface: net.minecraft.world.chunk.ChunkPrimer@7e741d44 [22Nov2020 12:49:24.375] [Worker-Main2/DEBUG] [ipsis.woot.setup.ModSetup/]: generateSurface: work chunk creating cells

[12:49:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism ChunkManager/]: Loading 0 chunks for dimension minecraft:the_nether [12:49:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism ChunkManager/]: Loading 0 chunks for dimension minecraft:the_end [12:49:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism ChunkManager/]: Loading 0 chunks for dimension appliedenergistics2:spatial_storage [12:49:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Mekanism ChunkManager/]: Loading 0 chunks for dimension woot:tartarus

Shayleel commented 3 years ago

So I tried what you did, I created a fresh new server. In the new world I could see the tartarus dimension so I tried to drop my world from my old server in and ... it works ! I don't know what is the problem with my old server but a fresh install seems to fix it.

Well I ran into the same problem again, but this time I think I found the issue Like everything was fine I change my level-type in the server properties to match the one on my old server, the "realistic" one from Quark and ... no more Tartarus in forge tps So I changed it back to default and Tartarus now loaded properly

Only seems to happen on server, I tried a new world with the realistic worldgen from Quark in singleplayer and I have the tartarus dimension loaded

Ipsis commented 3 years ago

The Quark level-type sounds like something I should take a look at to find out what interaction there is and how it might impact dimension loading.
A very brief look at the Quark code shows that it does operate only on dedicated server, so would match up with your failure. I don't know what Quark is doing that causes Tartarus not to load, but I'm intrigued to find out!

(I looked into the code a bit further - its possible that Quark's realistic terrain generator doesn't work nicely with json provided dimensions like Tartarus - I have no real evidence of what goes wrong as I don't quite understand the code - but I can see a possible path where only the nether and the end are provided as the registry of dimensions - again just speculation on my part).

abrenneke commented 3 years ago

Not sure if it's related to this issue or not, but (some) loot tables are not forming on my (1.16.4) server now as well. Specifically, loot tables for Looting 0 and Looting 2 aren't forming... but tables for Looting 1 and Looting 3 are forming just fine.

The Tartatus dimension is loading fine, but /woot simulation status has the looting 0/2 mobs there forever. The 1/3 mobs stay in /woot simulation status for a short time but then finish, as they're supposed to.

I looked through the code here, but didn't see anything obvious that would happen. Maybe something with the fake players with looting 0 and 2? I do have Quark installed. Just updated all of the mods, using Forge 35.1.12.

Ipsis commented 3 years ago

Is it any mobs specifically that are an issue or is it all mobs at looting 0/2? Are you running any standard modpack or a custom one - just so I can try and recreate it. (The issues above were directly round Tartarus not loading at all - so this sounds like a different issue).

abrenneke commented 3 years ago

@Ipsis I'll open a new issue for this with the mod list. It happens for all mobs at 0/2.