IreneKnapp / direct-sqlite

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Test failure #32

Closed snoyberg closed 11 years ago

snoyberg commented 11 years ago

I'm guessing this is a 64-bit issue, but that's really just a guess. With both GHC 7.4.2 and 7.6.3, I get:

### Error in:   11:ColumnName               
user error (Pattern match failure in do expression at test/Main.hs:434:7-13)

This is when testing the assertion that columnName for minBound returns Nothing. In fact, it returns Just "id".

IreneKnapp commented 11 years ago

Thank you for reporting this, and sorry about the slow reply. I will look into this over the weekend; poke me if you haven't heard back by Monday.

IreneKnapp commented 11 years ago

Note to say still alive, no poke needed. :)

nurpax commented 11 years ago

This is indeed a 64-bit issue, but not IMO a very serious one.

The offending line in the test is:

              Nothing   <- columnName stmt (ColumnIndex minBound)
              Nothing   <- columnName stmt (ColumnIndex maxBound)

minBound in ColumnIndex evalutes to -9223372036854775808. However, sqlite3 column name function takes in a 32-bit int: const char *sqlite3_column_name(sqlite3_stmt*, int N); ( The minBound value truncates to zero as a 32-bit int:

Prelude Data.Int> (-9223372036854775808) :: Int32

The maxBound using test cases have a similar truncation problem, it just doesn't trigger a test failure here, probably due to (0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF & 0x7FFFFFFF == still a large number).

I'm not sure what'd be the best way to fix this. In C/C++ I think I'd just add an assert into the bindings not to use such a large column index. Or I might call "error" in

instance FFIType ColumnIndex CColumnIndex where
    toFFI (ColumnIndex n) = CColumnIndex (fromIntegral n)
    fromFFI (CColumnIndex n) = ColumnIndex (fromIntegral n)

if the input ColumnIndex is out of the 32-bit integer range. Or to satisfy the test, we could just clamp to range [-2^31, 2^31 - 1] in toFFI. I wouldn't want to expose this error condition in the upper levels of the API as then a corner case like this would need to be handled in too many places.

Or we can do nothing and change the test to not use minBound, maxBound but hardcode 32-bit integer values instead.

Note: Many other functions are affected by this, including very frequently called ones like column. I'd vote for a cheap (as in performance) solution to this, perhaps just changing the test case.

@joeyadams - thoughts? I think the test comes from one of your commits.

IreneKnapp commented 11 years ago

Thank you for the diagnosis, Janne! Yeah, it's indeed from Joey's commit, that's why I've been procrastinating on it. :)

If it's indeed a 32-bit value always at the C layer, then I see two options.

ColumnIndex is a newtype wrapping an Int, but it's not opaque, so if we were to change its content type to Word32, that would be a breaking interface change. But it would give us all the static safety.

I note that the test code calls ColumnIndex maxBound, since there is no Bounded instance for ColumnIndex, which is the reason it runs into problems. Could we just provide a custom Bounded instance for ColumnIndex which does fromIntegral ({min|max}Bound :: Word32)?

I'm leaning towards the second option, because breaking the interface over a hypothetical failure seems a little silly. But what does everyone think?

nurpax commented 11 years ago

I like the latter approach! So the only thing it does is that minBound and maxBound will evaluate to values that fit into 32-bit ints for the FFI API? I'll send a pull request.

IreneKnapp commented 11 years ago

Merged. :) Can't do a release right at this moment, as I'm on a deadline, but will in the morning.

nurpax commented 11 years ago

@IreneKnapp Can you release this fixed version? Would be nice to have tests working also on the Hackage version. Stackage is currently not running direct-sqlite tests because of this.

IreneKnapp commented 11 years ago

Of course, sorry. It's done!