Iridescent-CM / technovation-app

The team submission platform for the Technovation Challenge
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Send MOU to legal contact functionality #4655

Open shaun-technovation opened 2 months ago

shaun-technovation commented 2 months ago

Allow admins to send an MOU to the legal contact for a chapter.

dboyer commented 2 months ago

One note that the wireframes include a "Send MOU" button in the legal contact section on the admin page for an individual chapter. We'll want to support using that button to send the MOU, but there may also be some sort of option to send to multiple legal contacts at once. Not sure if that looks like a report of all orgs whose MOU is about to expire and an option to send an updated MOU to the legal contact or a different approach. But something to keep in mind when completing this issue.

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shaun-technovation commented 2 months ago

This is on Preview and the DocuSign integration can now be tested.

After clicking the "Send MOU" button, an MOU should be sent to the legal contact's email address. The MOU document should have their name, email address, organization name and job title (if one is provided) pre-filled on the MOU.

After signing the MOU, you can log in to DocuSign (the URL and creds are in 1Password) to verify/look at it:

Also noting that this is just the basic functionality, we can iterate and improve any part of the UI/experience.

shaun-technovation commented 2 months ago

A few more notes regarding the access token:

dboyer commented 2 months ago

Tested on preview and confirmed:

@shaun-technovation A few things:

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shaun-technovation commented 2 months ago

For production, will we be able to use something other than Technovation Engineering and this email address in the email the person sees with the link to sign?

Yeah, should be possible. I created #4701 to capture this and the "Go Live" process.

I saw the "send MOU" button even if I had not added an email address. I was able to click it and saw a "successfully scheduled job" message but obviously did not receive an email. Perhaps we could disable the button unless there is an email address or add some sort of help text near the email field that says "You must add an email address in order to send the MOU."

I addressed this in #4649, the "Send MOU" button will only get displayed if the legal contact has an email address. We can also add an email address requirement and/or make the "Send MOU" button always visible but pops up an error message if the legal contact doesn't have an email address too, or something like that.