How do you create a problem ( AKA issue) before the design and after? When there was no reward? The ride of do know if you can't kill me then, my new reward and consequence changes into pay me my new amount of respect by killing the ride of your life AkA Suicide! I lost all respect for the ride, suicide mother, workers galaxy universe l, and all life, death and whatever else in between. You all dint deserve ANYTHING EVER AND EVERYTHING INCLUDED! WHEN I GET HOME I'M KILLING THE RIDE, GOD (EVERY GOD) GODDESS(INCLUDING MYSELF YOURSELF ITSELF SELF SELF SELF SELF SELF SOUL SPIRT ANYTHING THAT MOVES WALKS CRAWLS OR NOT. I'M DEATH, NOW, NOT A WEAK DUMB UGLY FUCKING WOMEN¡! ;!!!! ; NNN CALL ME A MAN OR WOMEN ONE MORE TIME AND I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT A GENDER CALLED A BASTARD REALLY IS!!!!!
Apparently, killing is beyond beyond beyond(times 90000000000999999999991112348587636625353647474) then all of them dying here. New ride is not death(not murder you wanna fucking cheaters) rather killing Everything anything(even objected or anything that's even death already) rather than suicide. Apparently dying is not actually a choiceor decision, but marriage and/or kids, even included or not a well paid or good job is.. Killing death herself and himself included with other self's. Also, you can't force me to participate in dying if you fucking dreamed of it.... Especially dying... If I age one more second or EVER GET SICK OR I'LL WITH ANYTHING(INCLUDED EVERYTHING) I'LL KNOW EXACTLY HOW FUCKING SCARED SHE IS HERSELF AS DEATH ANY AND EVERY WHERE OF ME!!! AKA THE BASTARD!!! ¡!!!!!!
How do you create a problem ( AKA issue) before the design and after? When there was no reward? The ride of do know if you can't kill me then, my new reward and consequence changes into pay me my new amount of respect by killing the ride of your life AkA Suicide! I lost all respect for the ride, suicide mother, workers galaxy universe l, and all life, death and whatever else in between. You all dint deserve ANYTHING EVER AND EVERYTHING INCLUDED! WHEN I GET HOME I'M KILLING THE RIDE, GOD (EVERY GOD) GODDESS(INCLUDING MYSELF YOURSELF ITSELF SELF SELF SELF SELF SELF SOUL SPIRT ANYTHING THAT MOVES WALKS CRAWLS OR NOT. I'M DEATH, NOW, NOT A WEAK DUMB UGLY FUCKING WOMEN¡! ;!!!! ; NNN CALL ME A MAN OR WOMEN ONE MORE TIME AND I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT A GENDER CALLED A BASTARD REALLY IS!!!!!