Ironhack-data-bcn-oct-2023 / project-II-pipelines

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Lucia - Project II #1

Open luciaaguzzoni opened 8 months ago

luciaaguzzoni commented 8 months ago

sh-ih commented 8 months ago

You did great on this project!

I would suggest you to add the draft notebook to the .gitignore, because that’s really not adding to your repository, it is more of your own workflow.

When working with APIs that have restricted access, it is always advisable to protect your access keys. It is good that you protected your client_secret. I just want to show this tutorial to hide both your client_id and client_secret)using .gitignore

I would only recommend you to add your interpretation of the graphs you are showing. Is danceability and popularity relationship different throughout the decades? What about the other two features?

When you filtered your results to only the most popular songs, what parameter did you use to select the most popular songs? Top 100 songs? Top 25%? It would be good to explain it here.

And also add your conclusions to the corresponding section.
