Ironhack-data-bcn-oct-2023 / project-II-pipelines

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Project-2 #12

Open MartaGDC opened 8 months ago

MartaGDC commented 8 months ago

The cleaning of the other databases from kaggle and the building of a dataframe from web scrapping are available in py files, executable from But the modularization is not working completly because of an error ocurring while cleaning the dataframe made from web scrapping, but I didn't have time to find it. doesn't fully work because of the functions that require the faulty dataframe.

bripollc commented 8 months ago


En primer lugar, segundo proyecto superado! Se nota que le has metido mucho esfuerzo y horas! Y así lo demuestra este trabajazo!!!!!!! Felicidades ✨🌻 Te dejo un poco de feedback:

🧹 Repository organization

👨🏽‍💻 Code

🎨 Visualizations

✍🏽 Readme

En general me parece un trabajo muuuuuy completo con pocas casi nada a pulir! Te lo estás currando mucho y se ve tu motivación por el curso. Has conseguido de largo el objetivo principal del proyecto, FELICIDADES!!!!!! 🚀🚀