Ironhack-data-bcn-oct-2023 / project-II-pipelines

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Project II | Sara Benitez-Inglott #17

Open sarabenitezinglott opened 8 months ago

sarabenitezinglott commented 8 months ago Be kind :((

sh-ih commented 8 months ago

You did great on this project! Some comments:

I saw you added this file to the .gitignore but the name of the file had two extra characters at the beginning (~$). You need to delete those if you do not want to push this file to your repository.

Good job naming your graphs. Using clear names helps everyone know what they’ll find inside each image.

And I am not talking about saying which brand is better, because you don’t have the information to conclude something so subjective, but an analysis of something like: Adidas portfolio is more geared towards women and Lifestyle but Nike is focused on men and sports, for example. Or The portfolio of products analyzed is 54% Nike and 46% Adidas and the range of prices goes from 50 to 3,500 US dollars. Products geared towards men have a highest mean price than women's. Not saying that your data support those conclusions, but you need to put in words what you find after running your code.
