Ironhack-data-bcn-oct-2023 / project-II-pipelines

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Patricia Sáez-Torres - Project II-REO #5

Open psaeztorres opened 8 months ago

psaeztorres commented 8 months ago

sh-ih commented 8 months ago

You did great on this project! Some comments:

You also need a notebooks folder, to concentrate all of your jupyter notebooks and use clearer names for them (something like webscrapping.ipynb or enrichment-of-databases.ipynb). On the top level of your repo ideally you should only have your readme, and all the folders.

What were the errors that prevented you from moving the files? Let me know if you want to discuss them.

Most of your graphs inside the images folder have a clear file name. That’s always a good way to go because it is easier for everyone to find a specific graph.

On your answers_info, you improve your visualizations, since all your metals end in Oxide, you could eliminate that word on every name and then make a note that all metals are oxides.

You have some comments on your code, but you should add some paragraphs with your conclusions after working on the data.

Your canva link is not open to the public, so I wasn’t able to check your presentation. Remember to check the option “Anyone with the link” and select “Can View”.

Your conclusions section would be clearer if you separate each point, instead of having a big block of text.

Another way to make your README more attractive is to include your visualizations right along with your conclusions, that way the reader can see both at the same time. Here is a tutorial to do that:

Your initial image is showing as broken because you used the link of the Google search result, instead of the link to the image: You can get the direct link to an image by right clicking and then selecting “Open image in a new window” and then using the URL of that new window.
