Ironhack-data-bcn-oct-2023 / project-IV-sql-tableau

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Project 4 sql/tableau Marco #1

Open marcoayora opened 9 months ago

marcoayora commented 9 months ago

sahernandezr commented 9 months ago

šŸ¬šŸ“ŠCongrats on your project!

README Your README is informative and organized. You could create a folder to store your sql file and the database diagram, to keep those together. I like how you explained your process and also explained your Tableau Story.

Code Your code is well organized and commented inside your notebook. But you didnā€™t create functions to clean and/or explore your data, so you are missing the Python files required on the deliverables with the modularization of the functions you used for cleaning, sending information to MySQL, visualizations, and any other function you may need. It would be very good if you create those functions, store them in .py files and then import them as modules into your notebooks.

SQL: file with queries The questions you answered with your queries are interesting. Later on, you should try adding filters to a Tableau dashboard and you could have a searching tool right there. For example, in this one from Toronto, you can choose the property type and location and the graphs change to show you the filtered data.

Tableau: link and dashboard The analysis you added to your README is a great idea. I would just change the word spreadsheet for either story point (as Tableau calls them) or first/second/third tab on the Tableau Story.

Your project could benefit from some more descriptive info: how many properties are included in your cleaned dataset, how many neighborhoods? Are all of those neighborhoods represented equally or do you have more information from some and not a lot from others? I suspect you donā€™t have information at all because there are neighborhoods in your first story point that have no average value on their respective tooltips. Also, you may need to do more exploration of your dataset: the Prom. Rent Price scale on your first story point goes from -375.938 to 2.156. Why do you have negative rent prices?

On your second tab, the treemap is not the best visualization to show this info. You have too many categories so the colors are used several times and several rectangles are almost the same size. In this case, a bar plot could show the average rent price and allow for an easier comparison. (Some tips from Tableau for treemaps here) If you want to keep working on this topic, maybe you could get some interesting info to analyze if you look into the price to rent ratio. (Some info here for USA, you would need to check if the reference values change for Spain). It uses median prices, not average, and it may lead to some interesting conclusions.

And on the third tab, the circles are not allowing for an easy comparison. In the average rent price by house: Pisos is 15,463, less than half of Duplex, but the circles are almost the same size. Ɓticos more than doubles Duplex, but this visualization doesnā€™t show that. Also, your Avg. Rent Price is appearing with a minus sign on your tool tips.