Ironhack-data-bcn-oct-2023 / project-IV-sql-tableau

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Ana Flávia | Firearms Sales & Gun Injuries Analysis #14

Open anaaristow opened 10 months ago

anaaristow commented 10 months ago

sahernandezr commented 10 months ago

🐬📊Congrats on your project!

README Your README is very informative and well organized. The inclusion of the .gif to show what’s included in your Tableau Story is a great idea. I would just suggest you to explicitly include the link to Tableau in this section too, and not just at the end: A dashboard was created using Tableau to visually represent the analysis objectives. To check it, click here.

Code Good job adding docstrings to your functions and creating your .py file. Your has really clean code thanks to the modularization.

SQL Your queries are well thought to answer your questions and you show a very good understanding of subqueries. It was also a very good idea to export your results and include those in your repo, properly identified with the names you choose for each csv file.

Tableau The way you use filters on your maps of Sales and Injuries by State is great. There is way to make the titles of both maps dynamic, so instead of showing 2014-2014, the year changes depending on the year selected. Here is a tutorial in case you are interested:

Your story could benefit from some kind of introduction, both of the goal of your project and a descriptive analysis of your dataset: how many years it covers, how many states, what kind of weapons are included. Whatever info you may provide to your readers so they know what to expect. It could be just a paragraph or two in your first story point or a whole new story point, whichever works best for the data.

On your Extra story point, I’m not clear on what your Percentage Killed is showing. The treemap graph is used to show a total divided by its parts (so the sum of all of the squares adds to 100%), but here each state has a percentage. What does each percentage show? Maybe clarify this right here, alongside the visualization, with a paragraph or two.