Ironhack-data-bcn-oct-2023 / project-IV-sql-tableau

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Sara Benitez-Inglott | Project-4 #18

Open sarabenitezinglott opened 9 months ago

sarabenitezinglott commented 9 months ago

I will add more things during this week :), so it is not finished. url :

sahernandezr commented 9 months ago

🐬📊Congrats on your project!

README Your README is organized and very informative. I really like how you included a brief description of your dataset, so your readers know the basics of the information you are analyzing. I would just suggest you to explicitly include the link to Tableau in the Tableau section too, and not just at the end. Your analysis of the alcoholic group in the Results section is incomplete: “Alcoholic individual 1, and subject identifier is co2a0000364, showed in 5 trials to have a hger”

Code Great job on your .py files. To make them even better, you could add docstrings to your functions, explaining the goal of each one, as well as the inputs and outputs. Even when this things may seem evident to you in your functions, is good coding practice to add them.

SQL You show a good use of CTEs in your queries and the comments you added are a really good way to show the important values and results.

Tableau Your Tableau Story needs to be understandable on its own, so I would recommend you add some introduction paragraphs to explain the objectives of this analysis and the dataset, just as you did with the paragraphs you added to the sensor values’ visualizations.

It would help your storytelling to maintain a color palette throughout your analysis. In your first story point, purple colors were used for alcoholics and oranges for control. In the second story point, alcoholics are green and purple, and control is shown with blue and a mix of colors.

When you create visualizations, you need to include only the most relevant information and avoid unnecessary data. In your sensor values treemaps, the trial number appears in each square of each graph and it is always the same (34 on the first one, 30 on the second one and so on). The most important information here would be the sensor value, not repeating the trial number. Did you check if a line graph could be more easily interpretable than a treemap, since you are trying to show range?