Ironhack-data-bcn-oct-2023 / project-IV-sql-tableau

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Tableau_Martina #19

Open Futurartina opened 9 months ago

Futurartina commented 9 months ago

sahernandezr commented 9 months ago

šŸ¬šŸ“ŠCongrats on your project!

README You did a great job explaining your goals and the process you followed with this project. A way to make all this information easier to read would be to separate the different sections by using markdown to show subtitles.

Another possible improvement is to add the images of your visualizations alongside your written analysis, so instead of writing something like ā€œFirst one compares maths proficiency to unemployment rate Second one comparesā€¦ā€ you show the visualizations and your conclusions in the same space.

Code It is always a good idea to create folders inside your repositories to improve organization. You could have data, notebooks, src, images, sql, for example, instead of having all your files in the root level.

You did great with your web scraping and I really like all the comments you added to the cells of this notebook.

SQL Your queries are well done and you show a great understanding of joins and how to get the results you need to answer your questions, as well as how to connect your different data sources.

Tableau Great job clearly presenting the objectives of your story as well as the conclusions. It is always the goal that your story can be understood completely on its own, in case someone reads this in Tableau and doesnā€™t have the repository as additional information.

When you mention an abbreviation like OOSR for the first time, it is best to use the full name and the abbreviation: How is out-of-school rate (OOSR) different in women and men?. Later on, you can use only OOSR because you already clarified what it stands for. It would also be a good idea to include some introductory and descriptive information about your dataset at the start: the years you are covering, how many countries are included, for example.

On your correlation graphs, the interpretation is made more difficult by the fact that your x axis is running backwards: the highest value is to the left and the zero is to the right. Unless you have a very good reason, it is always advisable to use the common way of showing values in an axis: the lowest values to the left and it goes up to the right. The explanation of the color scale used is missing from this visualization: what does the different colors of the circles mean?