Ironhack-data-bcn-oct-2023 / project-IV-sql-tableau

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Em :) Actors & Actresses #2

Open emmacunill opened 9 months ago

emmacunill commented 9 months ago


sahernandezr commented 9 months ago

šŸ¬šŸ“ŠCongrats on your project!

README Your READ me is informative and well organized. Including the table of contents and the visualizations is a great idea.

I would suggest you add more information about your dataset in the Exploration and Hypothesis section. You did a great job gathering information from several different sources, so you may want to explain a bit more about the final dataset: what period of time does your data cover? How many instances do you have? How many countries? Some descriptive information is a great way to show the scope of your project.

And maybe look for a different way to phrase the ā€œmost repeated genresā€. Something like genres most represented, or with the highest number of titles or the highest production numbers.

Code You did great on the modularization and documentation of your cleaning functions. Your docstrings are good. Your file is empty. Maybe the final version didnā€™t get pushed?

SQL: file with queries The comments you included in your exploration notebook, after each query, are really insightful. All of those could be a great addition to your storytelling.

Tableau: link and dashboard Your Tableau Story is very interesting. I like your use of color and how each story points covers one particular topic. On the Actors & Awards is somewhat confusing to have two treemaps about awards that look like the same topic but have different numbers. From what I understood, one is Oscars and the other is coming from your Top 100 Greatest Hollywood actors dataset, but I do not know which is which and why are this different? If the Top 100 already includes Oscars, maybe there is no need to use both? Or if there is a reason, it would be a good idea to include it.