Ironhack-data-bcn-oct-2023 / project-IV-sql-tableau

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[Ricardo] Proj4 - Lego sets #6

Open Ricardo-Beato opened 9 months ago

Ricardo-Beato commented 9 months ago

sahernandezr commented 9 months ago

🐬📊Congrats on your project!

README Your README is well organized and very informative. One way you could improve this README, you could add images of your visualizations right alongside your analysis, to give the full picture right here in your repository for those readers that don’t click the link to Tableau.

Code Your cleaning function looks great, and I really like you included docstring and comments inside your function. Common practice is to use the filename main for the file that concentrates all your functionality and leave that file at the root level, so it could be a good idea to change the name of src/ to something more specific, such as src/

SQL Your queries are well thought and it is very helpful that you added comments to your whole process. And it is great you found a solution to the issues you had when creating your table. If your problem was with data types, I found this is a nice list.

Tableau The use of the Lego minifig and Lego blocks in your visualizations makes the whole project look cohesive and engaging. I also like how you explain the composition of your dataset at the start. I would suggest you add some text to explain where the ratings are coming from, if you have the information, just to give a frame of reference of whose opinion we are seeing here.