A new GitHub release will be created, and the Docs on Drive will be updated, every time I tag a new release. Interim changes and work on other-than-master branches will only appear on GitHub.
As I think I've mentioned to everyone, documents have undergone substantial revision since our last review. The indemnification agreement has been rewritten entirely.
While that means that the docs are probably in a slightly less polished state, having been roughed up a bit by yours truly in the very recent past, I'd encourage you all to begin shopping these drafts and funneling feedback back to me. You may also wish to review the contributing guidelines, which describe a few different ways too feed back to me as maintainer. I've tried to offer a contribution channel for every kind of lawyer I've met whose input I'd value.
That being said, please feel free to @-mention the nerds here, by reply. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
@anseljh, @jboehmig, and friends:
I have tagged a 1.0.0-draft-1 release. Since we've taken the repo public, I've been able to set up some nice automation with Travis CI:
A new GitHub release will be created, and the Docs on Drive will be updated, every time I tag a new release. Interim changes and work on other-than-master branches will only appear on GitHub.
As I think I've mentioned to everyone, documents have undergone substantial revision since our last review. The indemnification agreement has been rewritten entirely.
While that means that the docs are probably in a slightly less polished state, having been roughed up a bit by yours truly in the very recent past, I'd encourage you all to begin shopping these drafts and funneling feedback back to me. You may also wish to review the contributing guidelines, which describe a few different ways too feed back to me as maintainer. I've tried to offer a contribution channel for every kind of lawyer I've met whose input I'd value.
That being said, please feel free to @-mention the nerds here, by reply. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Thank you all!