Irrational-Encoding-Wizardry /

A guide for fansubbing
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Initial documentation on encoding with the vpX/aom family of encoders. #69

Open ILOVEPIE opened 2 years ago

ILOVEPIE commented 2 years ago

Specifically the background information and an example of how to encode with vp9. AV1 example will be added via a later PR.

ILOVEPIE commented 2 years ago

Any way this can get pulled?

OrangeChannel commented 2 years ago

I don't have anything set up to preview this book atm, but I will try to check over the grammar and formatting this weekend.

OrangeChannel commented 2 years ago

Looks good to me but I'm not too familiar with vpX/aom encoders so it'd be nice if we can get someone else to review the actual content.

ILOVEPIE commented 11 months ago

Any updates on this?

FichteFoll commented 11 months ago

No, not yet. When I find some time over a weekend, I intend to look over it again and probably merge it in its current state with some adjustments, if necessary. It's still on my radar but other things have a higher priority currently.