Irys-xyz / arweave-js-sdk

JS SDK for Irys on Arweave
110 stars 95 forks source link doesn't work on devnet with Windows #47

Closed KishiTheMechanic closed 2 years ago

KishiTheMechanic commented 2 years ago

I'm using 0.7.15 and WebBundlr. We can on Mac environment with devnet and mainnet. But we can't on Windows environment with devnet. (Windows with mainnet works.)

It returns 400 error for our POST without creating any data on chain so the hash doesn't exist on Solana Explorer.

The error causes after 30 seconds for approve and message is below.

Unhandled Runtime Error
Error: HTTP Error: Posting transaction 535yVew4TKykmX2nfE7vYTx1PLrEjdvC3CoNPhXWCNkuLqRagUob65Kk8awotTKKemuMGMsrBF6piVRJoDQoVzLM information to the bundler: 400 Invalid tx

Call Stack
node_modules/@bundlr-network/client/build/common/utils.js (25:0)
node_modules/@bundlr-network/client/build/common/fund.js (49:0)

Something is different in between the mac environment and windows one?

We use this in here.

The test deploy is here

We use WebBundlr on Create metadata on that page. You can also test it after making your own DAO on devnet there.

KishiTheMechanic commented 2 years ago

It seemed some network errors on devnet. We didn't make any changes for the library and code but it's working fine all environment now.