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Waitlist improvements #122

Open tfedor opened 3 years ago

tfedor commented 3 years ago

Waitlist page

  1. Show helpful information (for editing)

    • [Won't be implemented at this moment. Steam reviews will probably be added at some point but I'm not sure in what form. Please keep all Steam reviews related issues in issue #109 or create new one] Steam reviews info column with sorting (with option to turn it on-off to not overload the interface when not needed) (related suggestion for a game's info page). Use case: Game can be added on steam wishlist before release, so if some games on waitlist will appear not good enough, I will be able to detect and remove them.

    • [ Won't be implemented at the moment, same reason as for related Filter suggestion] Indicate if there is DLC for not owned or waitlisted game (to remove if not needed).

  2. [Fixed, see issue #122] Multiedit - There is unspecified restriction on a number that can be edited at once - it needs to be increased, or at least to warn if I selected too much titles before editing. More on this subject.

  3. Filters

    • [Won't be implemented at this moment, not sure if there is really need for such filter. Please create separate issue for future reference.] Filter to show only games that have been bundled (useful when people make wishlist of games that have been bundled, to trade their own leftovers for them)
    • [Won't be implemented at this moment. Steam reviews will probably be added at some point but I'm not sure in what form. Please keep all Steam reviews related issues in issue #109 or create new one] Filter by max and min Steam review percent (to detect and remove games with bad reviews)
    • [Won't be implemented. Filters in Waitlist does not check where the game is available or not, and I'm not sure if they should. They are filtering based on user's Waitlist settings. Again, consider creating separate issue, I may change my position in the future.] Store filter (including and excluding, multiple selection) useful for editing (example - I prefer Steam, and if the game is not there, I prefer GOG. I have a different price cut requirements for GOG so it'll be useful to choose all games that are not on Steam but on GOG and apply some settings to all of them).
    • [Implemented positive filters (instead of show games without price, there's filter to show games with price and show games with matching price). Otherwise use sort by current price, cut or difference. For the second part, use price history to get details on where the game is sold or was sold] Games with no current store (there are some games that are no longer sold). And is there any info about how long it wasn't sold anywhere? It should be shown too.
    • [Implemented, will be included in next update] Hide/show only packages filter.
    • [Won't be implemented at this moment, I can't come up with some smart/easy way how to implement this. Consider creating separate issue for this item.] Show DLC for not owned or waitlisted games (to remove if not needed).

Waitlist tab on game info page

  1. Waitlist adding and editing

    • [Implented, will be included in next update] Price and price cut. When I set price and percent I want to see lowest historical price and cut in tooltips (with n month ago info too). This way instead of setting my usual 70% for most of the waitlist when adding new game I'll be aware if it was 80% off recently and set the cut lower than usual.

    • [Implented, will be included in next update] Stores. Visually highlight stores that already have this game, dim out other stores while allowing to select them in case it'll appear there too. And hide ignored stores.

    • [Partly implemented. I have added option to notify only on DRM Free to the Steam. I have also considered Origin and Uplay but at the end decided against it as I don't believe there's someone who's buying games only when they are on, say, Origin, as often happens on Steam. It shouldn't be problem to add it later if I see demand. The rest of the issue, I think you're mixing a lot of stuff together. I will add platforms to the notification settings but they probably won't be in upcoming update. Please create another issue regarding Specials.] Activation info (checkboxes). Aside from Steam, there are many types of activation in stores and bundles. Some of the stores have keys/links activation - Desura, Origin, Uplay, GOG, Humble, ShinyLoot,, GamersGate, IGS, maybe others. DRM-free should be also selectable as preferred platform. Same for Windows, Mac, Linux. Both as global defined preference and a game waitlist setting. This info should especially be considered for specials (and its notifications) to additionally show if the game in bundle is in your waitlist AND covers or not covers your chosen platforms. Like when on some Groupees bundle there was Bloodrayne, but it was for GOG, for those who wants it specifically on Steam it should be not only green-waitlist-highlighted, but indicated that it is different from preferred platform for the game (or global default platform). Option to opt out from notification if bundle does not include any games for desired platforms could be useful for Linux gamers and DRM-free lovers.

    • [The way how games are added to Waitlists has been changed, default notification settings are now being used. Part of next update] Templates for combination of those settings. Maybe possibility to create custom named templates that save price, cut, stores, activation? Right now it just remembers the last one.

    • [Implented, but not sure if it will be part of the update since I'm not sure about what an expected behaviour is] ~~Add package and its contents option. When adding a package, checkbox to add all its apps separately too with same settings. Or even option to choose games similar to adding package to the collection. Useful for one pack with lots of different games, like Star Wars Collection. ~~

    • [Interface for adding/editing Waitlist notifications has been changed; not an issue] An "Add option" function to choose another price cut for different store feels a little bloated but I find it hard to figure out how to simplify and not over-complicate the interface right now.

  2. [Implented, will be included in next update] ~~Waitlist removing. Allow to delete game from waitlist right there on waitlist editing tab. Link to related suggestion.~~

  3. [Implemented, games in Waitlist or Collection will have grey text in menu instead of highligted green. Part of next update] ~~Waitlist indication. If game is already in waitlist, this tab should be named Edit Waitlist or just Waitlist instead of Wait for better price. Useful for example when I go from enhanced steam link to game info, and can't see if it is waitlisted already until I go to Wait for better price. Link to related suggestion.~~

Waitlist export

[Won't be implemented at the moment. Since bundle info is not part of Waitlists, I don't think it should be added to export either. If I add bundle info to Waitlist, I'll update export as well.] Add basic (times bundled) or detailed info about where the game've been bundled (useful when people make wishlist of games that have been bundled, to trade their own leftovers)

Email notifications

Waitlist highlight for specials.

Game info page

[This info is listed on the DLC page, where DLCs can be added to Waitlist and even sync for automatic updates] Show if owned/waitlisted game has DLCs or complete collection packs that aren't waitlisted (or owned). Offer to add to waitlist right there. Especially useful if new dlc or GOTY pack came out.

Deals page

[Implemented, Wait and Collect link will have line through if game is already in Waitlist or Collection respectively. Remove is not implemented, consider creating separate issue] Different appearance (color?) if when you'll click "Wait" you will be editing, not adding. Same for "Collect". Maybe even quick remove from both (without clicking on In Waitlist/In Collection first) - "x" mark appearing on long hover over "Wait" or "Collect".

[Won't be implemented in upcoming update] If DLC is not waitlisted, but main game is in collection, indicate it with tag "main game owned". Allow to filter it too. Also filter to hide not-waitlisted DLC for not owned games will be nice, maybe even default one?

[Issue created by enchained: 2015-02-21] [Last updated on bitbucket: 2019-02-07]

[Comment created by Delfar76: 2019-02-07] Hello, I was looking to submit a suggestion to reddit but it seems close. Should be possible to include the followed steam games in the waitlist as we can do with the wishlist?

[Comment created by enchained: 2015-03-15] Thank you very much! I love the new Waitlist update. I'll think through what's left and will create separate issues sometime in the future.

[Comment created by tfedor: 2015-02-28] I think I went through each suggestion. Since I wasn't able to implement everything, I'm putting this on hold for now. Creating separate issues for not implemented stuff might be good idea.

[Comment created by enchained: 2015-02-24] Created a thread on GameDealsMeta

[Comment created by enchained: 2015-02-24] crossed off implemented suggestions, now it's easier to see what's left

[Comment created by tfedor: 2015-02-22] I will post fixes here to comments as well as edit them in original post.

Asking guys in GameDealsMeta is fine with me, if they are fine with it.

Multiedit has been resolved, see issue #122

Faedelity commented 2 years ago

For the Add Package And Its Contents button, here is what I would expect it to do: There is an additional button on items that contain more than one individual product. Maybe a checkmark on the waitlist button, to keep things sane. If you check the box and then push the Waitlist button, you are now adding both that pack and each item in it to your waitlist at whatever settings you enter.